  • 學位論文


The Gender Roles of Men who Batter in Patriarchy

指導教授 : 黃彥宜


研究者以「男性家暴相對人可能也是父權體制下受壓迫的一群」的觀點,來探究男性在父權體制下,其性別角色如何被形塑與影響。本研究從男性相對人的角度出發,從訪談中了解男性在父權社會中在原生家庭、婚姻與社會中,在扮演一個兒子、丈夫、父親和男性的角色中,外在的期待與想像,以及男性內化的自我的價值,如何引領他去實踐他的角色行為;並從家庭暴力事件中,發現父權體制對男性角色的限制與壓迫,聽到男性的困境與聲音。 本研究透過實務工作者的介紹,以質性訪談的方法,對六位三年內曾被通報為家暴相對人的男性進行訪談,分析後的研究結果如下: 一、 性別角色方面: 1. 男性的責任不僅是社會對男性的期待,也是他們表現男性角色的依歸。 2. 為了承擔這些無法推卸的責任,這些性別期待對男性雖然帶來了優勢地位,但同時也為他們造成壓迫與限制。 3. 父權結構對男性的影響,隨著時代與社會的變遷有了改變,但也令他們無所適從。 二、 家庭暴力方面: 1. 暴力的原點可能源自於愛的控制,但當雙方的理解不同而造成衝突時,暴力將一觸即發。 2. 對許多男性來說,暴力是他們解決問題最後的手段,我們更應該了解的是對這些男性來說暴力背後的意義為何? 3. 權力是流動的,絕非由單一性別角色所擁有,權力也會透過不同的形式,在不同的時間與情境中有不同的表現。 三、 家庭暴力處遇方面: 1. 破除性別二分法所帶來的刻板印象,因為這些刻板印象將為性別角色帶來標籤化。 2. 相對人的社工服務,不僅提供專業的服務,更重要的是陪伴帶來的正面意義。 最後因為上述的研究發現,研究者提出以下的研究建議: 一、 鬆動父權結構下對性別的刻板印象,仍舊需要從教育著手,透過灌輸多元且彈性地的性別觀念,營造友善的性別環境,降低因性別所帶來的壓迫與限制。 二、 家庭暴力處遇服務應具有更多的彈性,對於沒有安全危機的案件,可先透過非正式協商的做法介入,避免因公權力的強制介入而造成反彈。 三、 男性家暴相對人在家暴事件中的聲音與經驗需要被聆聽與重視,才能提出更適切且符合需求的家庭暴力防治政策。


The researcher studied how male gender roles are affected by a patriarchal system from the perspective that “the male batterer in domestic violence situations could also be a victim of a patriarchal society.” Batterers were interviewed to obtain a better understanding of the effect of a patriarchal society on gender roles like son, husband, and father in the family of origin, marriage, and society. The researcher also studied how patriarchy forms gender expectations and imagination and examined the response of the abuser after he internalizes patriarchal beliefs in his own value system. The study sought to discover whether the patriarchal society’s socially constructed stresses limit males and encourage domestic violence. The researcher used the qualitative research method and interviewed six males who were reported to be perpetrators of domestic violence, or batterers, in the past three years. The results included the following: 1. Gender Roles • Male responsibility is not only an expectation of society but is also how the male shows the model of his own gender . • To assume these responsibilities, these gender expectations of male dominance, although brought, also caused oppression and restrictions for them. • With the changing times and society, the impact of the patriarchal structure on male’s roles has changed, but also so that they know what to do . 2. Domestic Violence • The origin of the violence could probably be from the control of love . But when the conflict is made by the misunderstood , violence may happen. • To many males, violence is the final way to solve problems. We must seek to understand what violence means to these male abusers. • Power is fluid, not owned by a single gender role. At different times and in different situations, power will, through different forms, have different outcomes. 3. The Treatment of Domestic Violence • Break gender stereotypes, because these stereotypes will label the gender roles. • The treatment of the batterer is not just about offering professional services; more important, it is about the positive effect on the companion. Based on these results, the researcher advises the following: • We must use education to release the patriarchal structure from gender stereotypes. We need to instill diverse and flexible gender concepts, creating a gender-friendly environment and reducing gender-related oppression and restrictions. • Domestic violence treatment after the event should have more flexibility, for there are no security risk cases, through informal conference to intervene to avoid compulsory involvement of public power caused by the resistance. • To create more appropriate domestic violence prevention policies, it is important to listen to the male’s experience.


