  • 學位論文


Exploring Taiwan Destination Image from Social Networks: A Comparison of Users in the United States and Mainland China

指導教授 : 丁冰和


本研究以社群網站文本為研究對象,針對中國大陸與美國遊客在旅遊台灣後的遊記文本進行分析,採用內容分析法將文本內容解構為「食、住、行、遊、購、娛、人」等七大構面,提煉可辨識性高的特質與文化差異,並與官方調查資料比對。研究證明台灣對中美兩國遊客的旅遊地意象(Destination Image)最主要的為「食物好吃」、「人民友善」、「風景優美」等三要素。並證實中國大陸遊客較喜愛「食物」、「購物」、「住宿」,而美國遊客較喜愛「自然風景」、「娛樂活動」的文化差異。並結合質性研究之內容分析以及電腦軟體之協助,完成所抽樣之網路文本共194萬字的分析研究,歸納出常用字與關鍵字的整理。並且獲得五個其他研究發現,值得後續研究參考: 1.夜市具有食、遊、娛、購、人等五個構面複合特性。 2.民宿的高滿意度並非僅有硬體因素,民宿老闆的特質更為重要,甚至是部分旅客指定住民宿的原因。 3.計程車並非僅止於交通工具的提供,司機的特質佔有重要因素。 4.「人」的構面在旅遊地意象中,佔有重要因素。 5.中國大陸與美國遊客對旅遊偏好的具體差異與內容。


This paper takes the social network texts as the research object, analyzes the travel blogs of the Chinese and American tourists after traveling in Taiwan, and uses the content analysis method to deconstruct the text content as seven image dimensions which are "Food, Accommodation, Transportation, Sightseeing, Shopping, Entertainment and People”, refining the discernment of the characteristics and cultural differences, and with the official survey data comparison. This study proved that the most important Destination Images to Taiwan in China and the United States travelers are "delicious food", "friendly people" and "beautiful sightseeing". And confirmed that mainland Chinese tourists prefer "Food", "Shopping", "Accommodation", and American tourists prefer "Natural scenery", "Entertainment". This study Combined with the content analysis method of qualitative research and computer software to help complete the sampling of the network text about 1.94 million words, summed up the commonly used words and keywords finishing. And obtained five other studies found that worthy of follow-up study reference: 1. Night market combined with “Food”, “Sightseeing”, “Entertainment”, “Sopping” and “People” five composite features. 2. B&B (bed and breakfast) with high satisfaction are not only hardware factors, the characteristic of the owners is more important, and even some travelers to specify the reasons for accommodation. 3. Taxi is not just about the provision of transport, the characteristics of the driver occupies an important factor. 4. The Destination Image "People" occupies an important factor. 5. Mainland China and the United States tourists on the tourism preferences of the specific differences and content.


一、 中文部份
