  • 學位論文


The Narrator and His Narrative in Agatha Christie’s 《The Murder of Roger Ackroyd》

指導教授 : 鄧宜菁


本論文將以阿嘉莎•克莉絲蒂 (Agatha Christie) 之小說《羅傑•艾克洛命案》 (The Murder of Roger Ackroyd) 為主要閱讀文本,並討論其在偵探小說文類中之成就、其文學公式、及其敘事方法。前言乃對於偵探小說文類的簡介,包括其定義、規則、呈現方式、吸引人之處,以及此文類一般被討論的方式。第一章將探討偵探小說的文學公式 (literary formula) 及其模式。本章採用約翰•卡威提 (John G. Cawelti) 的文學公式理論,並討論其與茨威坦•托多洛夫 (Tzvetan Todorov) 偵探小說理論之間的關聯。第二章試圖以偵探小說的一些約定俗成的「規則」來討論阿嘉莎•克莉絲蒂之小說《羅傑•艾克洛命案》。本章將分析此小說的敘事者詹姆斯•蒒帕德醫生 (Dr. James Sheppard) 及其所扮演的「華生醫生 (Dr. Watson)」之角色,並強調此小說在偵探小說文類中的突破。第三章則更進一步將此小說當作一部歷史敘事來閱讀。藉由海登•懷特 (Hayden White) 及路易斯•明克 (Louis O. Mink) 的歷史敘事理論,我們將分析敘事者在其(歷史)敘事中對事實之操弄,以及敘事再現真實事件時所產生的問題。


In this thesis, we read detective fiction as purely a form of literature and narrative text. We take Agatha Christie’s masterpiece, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, to discuss its achievements in the detective genre, the patterns of its formula, and its ways of narrative. Furthermore, we discuss The Murder of Roger Ackroyd as a record of history and analyze it with theories of historical narrative. The Introduction offers the background knowledge detective fiction. Chapter one is the discussion of the literary formula of detective fiction. We will discuss Cawelti’s five patterns of the detective formula and their correspondences with Todorov’s analysis of the “story of the crime” and the “story of the investigation.” In the second chapter, we will read Christie’s The Murder of Roger Ackroyd as a detective fiction to analyze how Dr. Sheppard plays the roles of “Watson” to Poirot and the murderer at the same time, and how he fails. In the third chapter, we regard The Murder of Roger Ackroyd as a historical record written by Dr. Sheppard. We will discuss the narrator Dr. Sheppard’s manipulation in his narrative of The Murder of Roger Ackroyd and the problem of narrativization of real events with White and Mink’s ideas of historical narrative.


Alewyn, Richard. “The Origin of the Detective Novel.” The Poetics of Murder: Detective Fiction and Literary Theory. Ed. Glenn W Most, and William W. Stowe. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1983. 62-78.
“Annals.” Def. 1. The Oxford English Dictionary. 2nd ed. 1989.
Auden, W. H. “The Guilty Vicarage.” Detective Fiction: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Robin W. Winks. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1980. 15-24.
Bal, Mieke. Introduction. Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative. Trans. Christine Van Boheemen. 2nd ed. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1997. 3-15.
Barthes, Roland. “Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narrative.”
