  • 學位論文

RFID 產業與物聯網之應用與發展:從創業的角度思考

Application and Development of RFID production

指導教授 : 林霖


中國自1953年起,開始制訂以五年為一個時間,規劃中國中長期的經濟社會建設,目前進入第十二個五年計畫,故稱為『十二五』。而在此屆所著重之『雲端技術』與『物聯網』如何有效且便捷應用於民生與產業上。物聯網主要為調整擴大內需、產業轉型、發展並培養人力資源、優化國土空間、完善公共服務體系。 以此我們認為要完成並搶進中國市場,則需要完整及有效率的管理規畫。所以我們提出以射頻辨識(Radio Frequency Identification; RFID)的方式應用於人、事、時、地、物之核心技術『異動管理與即時回應』,將所有的資源加以連結,有效掌握,使之能增加管理的方便性及效率性與即時性。 不管在台灣或是中國大陸其應用『物聯網』加上雲端技術能够有效帮助企業即時獲悉上下游的市場供需之資訊更能直接掌握終端客戶的購買行為喜好及脈動,因而可依直接數據得以更準確、更客觀分析後制定合理化、人性化、科學化的營運策略,方可在競爭甚為激烈且變化快速的賣場與相關產業實質有效快捷地提升企業的核心競爭力與整合管理決策力。其基礎的應用則以射頻辨識(RFID+ICT)的技術,短期中企業可以應用此項技術以改造業務流程、降低營運成本、減少各種資源浪費及非必要開銷、找出弱點強化核心能力降低損失以增盈利;中長期來看,企業利用『物聯網及雲端技術』可將各方擷取資訊以進數據挖掘分析,映射到合理的生產和營銷策略以強化ERP 系統應用整合,做好上、中、下流全面的產業鏈整合與發展。


China since 1953, began to formulate a time of five years, planning medium-and long-term economic and social development in China has now entered the 12th Five-Year Plan, it is known as the "Twelve". Session of the Zhuchong "cloud technology" and "Internet of Things" is how effective and convenient for people's livelihood and industrial. This, we believe that to be completed and to get into the Chinese market, you need to complete and efficient management planning. Therefore, we propose the way of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is applied, times, places, things, the core technology and transaction management and immediate response ", all the resources to be linked effectively grasp, so that it can increase the management convenience and efficiency and timeliness. Whether in Taiwan or mainland China, the application of the "Internet of Things" with the cloud technology can effectively help companies immediately informed on the downstream market supply and demand information more direct control of the end customer buying behavior preferences and pulse, and thus according to the direct data can be more accurate, more objective analysis to develop rationalization, humane, scientific operations strategy, before the competition is very fierce and change quickly stores and related industries in real terms to enhance enterprise core competitiveness and integration of management decision-making power. Based applications while radio frequency identification (RFID + ICTs) technology to transform business processes, reduce operating costs, reduce waste of resources and non-essential overhead, to identify weaknesses and strengthen the core competencies to reduce losses in order to increase profitability; then to take advantage of "Internet of Things and cloud technology to retrieve face information for data mining analysis, mapped to the production and marketing strategies to strengthen the ERP system integration, industry, obscene comprehensive integration of the goodness.




1. Bill Glover, Himanshu Bhatt ,RFID essentials , O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2006, ISBN 0-596-00944-5.
2.John R. Vacca Computer and information security handbook, Morgan Kaufmann, 2009 ISBN 0-12-374354-0.
3.刁建成,“RFID原理與應用”,全華圖書, 2005, ISBN 9572148435.
4.林宗明 (2007),RFID技術應用於停車管理之規劃,中央大學通訊工程研究所碩士班學位論文。


