  • 學位論文


The Effect of Both of The Couple Using "Dual-Role Psychological Displacement Paradigm in Diary-Writing"

指導教授 : 李素芬


本研究旨在探討伴侶雙方進行「雙方角色心理位移書寫法」之影響與影響如何產生。研究參與者為5對共10名有伴侶關係困擾之伴侶雙方,伴侶雙方於個別完成四篇「雙方角色心理位移書寫法」後接受訪談,所得之14小時21分鐘逐字稿即為本研究之資料分析來源,資料分析方式則以現象學取向分析方法進行,研究結果發現: 一、伴侶運用「雙方角色心理位移書寫法」之影響 (一)在個人層面出現六部份影響: 1.對情緒的影響:有「出現情緒的正向轉變」、「理解情緒」、「釋懷放鬆」、「產生情緒的宣洩與處理」、「真實接觸及面對情緒」與「出現負向感受」等。2.對認知的影響:有「釐清與顯現真實想法」、「多元觀點,擴充思考」、「增進思考」、「理性客觀」、「跳脫原有思維」與「促發轉念」等。3.對行為的影響:有「促發行為改變」、「自我檢討與反思」、「自我提醒與建議」、「減少堅持與執著」與「促進與自我對話」等。4.對需求的影響:有「釐清自身需求」與「確認需求有被滿足」等。5.對自我覺察的影響:有「產生覺察與頓悟」、「覺察自身情緒」、「覺察自身想法」、「覺察自身行為」與「覺察自身需求」等。6.對自我關照的影響:有「自我安撫」、「鼓勵自我」、「感謝自我」與「產生自信與肯定」等。 (二)在關係層面出現四部分影響: 1.與伴侶有關的影響:有「促進對伴侶的理解」、「轉換看待伴侶的觀點」、「增進對伴侶的接納與包容」、「增進對伴侶的同理」、「看見伴侶的改變」、「增進對伴侶的體貼與體諒」、「覺察對伴侶的期待或需要」、「釐清與伴侶間的差異」與「產生對伴侶的感謝」等。2.與溝通互動有關的影響:有「增進雙方正向互動」、「減少雙方負向互動」與「促進雙方的溝通與表達」等。3.與關係狀態有關的影響:有「提升關係滿意度」、「轉換看待關係的觀點」、「促進關係的修復與改善」、「對關係產生正向期待」、「找回關係中自身的責任」與「重新確認與思考關係」等。4.與困擾有關的影響:有「釐清與歸結困擾」、「面對與處理困擾」、「綜觀困擾,拓展觀點」與「減緩困擾帶來的影響」等。 二、伴侶運用「雙方角色心理位移書寫」影響如何產生 (一)因本人階段書寫而產生:有「位格累積轉化」、「化身他人角度」、「如實呈現」、「如同與伴侶說話」、「反觀與覺察」、「停留探究自身」與「伴隨自我支持」等。(二)因成為對方階段書寫而產生:有「化身為伴侶」、「轉換觀看角度」、「位格累積轉化」、「彷若與伴侶直接對話」等。(三)因再回到本人階段書寫而產生:有「位格的累積與整合」等。(四)因三階段整體書寫而產生:有「位格與階段的推移累積」與「轉換觀看與思考角度」等。(五)因書寫本身而產生:有「書寫架構及內容」、「花時間思考」與「寫出困境」等。(六)因伴侶雙方共同參與而產生:有「雙方的參與」與「觀看伴侶的書寫內容」等。 文末針對研究發現進行討論與建議。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects and causes of "Dual-Role Psychological Displacement Paradigm in Diary-Writing" in both members of the couple. The participants of the study were five pairs of couple suffering from couple relationship, ten participants in total. Both members of the couple were interviewed after finishing four times "Dual-Role Psychological Displacement Paradigm in Diary-Writing", researcher attained 14-hour and 21-minute verbatim transcript from interviews, analyzing in a phenomenon-oriented methodology. The results of the study were summarized as follows: I. Effects of both members of the couple Using “Dual-Role Psychological Displacement Paradigm in Diary-Writing": 1. Six part of effects on individual level: 1) Effects on emotion: a) Shifting on positive emotions, b) Understanding emotions, c) Being able to relax, d) Releasing and processing emotions, e) Facing emotions, f) Appearing negative feelings. 2) Effects on cognition: a) Clarifying true thoughts, b) Diversifying viewpoints and expanding thinking, c) Increasing thinking, d) Being rational and objective, e) Changing perspective, f) Changing minds. 3) Effects on behavior: a) Facilitating behavior change, b) Self-examination and self-reflection, c) Self-reminder and self-advice, d) Reducing stubbornness, e) Facilitating dialogue with self. 4) Effects on demand: a) Clarifying needs, b) Confirming that the needs are met. 5) Effects on self-awareness: a) Having awareness and epiphany, b) Being aware of emotions, c) Being aware of thoughts, d) Being aware of behavior, e) Being aware of the demand. 6) Effects on self-caring: a) Self-soothing, b) Self-encouragement, c) Self-appreciation, d) Self-affirmation. 2. Four part of effects on relationship level: 1) Effects related to the other one: a) Developing more understanding, b) Changing perspective, c) Increasing acceptance and tolerance, d) Improving empathy, e) Discovering the other one’s changes, f) Improving consideration and understanding, g) Awaring of the other one's expectations or needs, h) Clarifying differences between each other, i) Generating grateful to the other one. 2) Effects related to communication and interactions: a) Enhancing positive interactions, b) Reducing negative interactions, c) Facilitating communication and expression. 3) Effects related to relationship status: a) Improving relationship satisfaction, b) Changing perspective on relationships, c) Repairing and improving relationships, d) Generating positive expectations for the relationship, e) Taking responsibility in the relationship, f) Reconfirming and thinking about the relationship. 4) Effects related to suffering topic: a) Clarifying and summarizing troubles, b) Facing and dealing with troubles, c) Expanding perspectives on troubles, d) Reducing the impact of troubles. II. How “Dual-Role Psychological Displacement Paradigm in Diary-Writing" affects couples: 1. Caused by “be yourself” stage: 1) Accumulation of personal pronouns, 2) Becoming someone else's point of view, 3) Presenting truthfully, 4) As if talking to the other one, 5) Reflection and awareness, 6) Exploring themselves, 7) Accompanying self-support. 2. Caused by “become the other one” stage: 1) Becoming to the other one, 2) Changing perspective, 3) Accumulation of personal pronouns, 4) As if talking directly to the other one. 3. Caused by “be yourself again” stage: Accumulation and integration of personal pronouns. 4. Caused by overall stages of writing: 1) Accumulation of personal pronouns and stages, 2) Changing the perspective and thought. 5. Caused by writing: 1) Writing structure and content, 2) Spending time to think, 3) Writing down the difficulties. 6. Caused by the joint participation of couple: 1) Involvement of both people, 2) Watching the other one's writing. At the end of the study, discussions and suggestions were made based on the research findings.


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