  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Acadmic Achievement and Family Environment of New Immigrants` Children

指導教授 : 龔宜君


論文摘要 本研究目的在了解新住民子女的家庭特色與學業成就的關係,以利日後對那些欠缺語言環境(文化資本)、課業輔導(人力資本)或親子關係(社會資本)的新住民子女加以進一步輔導。透過質性研究「半結構深度訪談」的方式來蒐集文本資料,訪問新北市某地區20個新住民家庭之家長,每次錄音訪談約90-150分鐘,再謄寫成逐字稿,詳實原意呈現新住民家長對問題的回應。分析結果以呈現新住民家庭背景對其子女學習成就之影響。 本研究發現與結論如下:(1) 財物資本對學習成就並未造成絕對的影響;(2) 先備知識雖然不足,但能利用其他人力資源來指導子女課業;(3) 生活經驗的指導與傳承,建立子女獨立的生活態度及習慣;(4) 家長提供的文化刺激多並沒有對學習成就造成絕對的影響;(5) 教養方式對學習成就的影響並不一致;(6) 教育參與積極與否影響子女的學習成就;(7) 親子互動關係對子女學習成就具有影響力;(8) 有形的文化資產對學習成就沒有絕對的影響;(9) 良好的生活習慣與學習態度對學習成就具有充分的影響力;(10) 家庭語言環境對學習成就沒有絕對的影響力。 基於以上研究結果,提出本研究之意涵:發現家庭教育的重要性,教育是一體三面的,家庭、學校及社會必須共同承擔。 關鍵詞:新住民、家庭背景、學習成就


新住民 家庭背景 學習成就


Abstract The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between the features and study achievement of children in new inhabitant families. The aim is to facilitate further counseling which is at present, provided to those children of the new inhabitants and who are disadvantaged in one of the following areas; the language environment (cultural assets), study guidance (human assets) or parenting relationship (social assets). The study collected data through ‘semi-structured in-depth interviews’ by visiting 20 parents of new inhabitant families in selected areas of New Taipei City. The interviews lasted approximately 90-150 minutes, and each interview was recorded and turned into an interview transcript that honestly represented the responses of the parents in new habitant families. The results were analyzed in order to show the effect of the new inhabitant backgrounds regarding the learning of their children. The study found the following results and is summarized as follows: (1) financial conditions were unnecessary and affect the learning achievement; (2) despite a disadvantage of prior knowledge, other human assets were available to help their children study; (3) with instruction and heritage of life experiences, children may form independent living attitudes and habits; (4) the cultural stimuli provided by parents did not result in an absolute effect to the learning achievement; (5) the ways that the parents brought up their children did not result in consistent results; (6) the degree of participation in education affects the learning achievement of children; (7) parenting interaction affects the learning achievement of children; (8) no absolute effect of tangible cultural assets on learning achievement; (9) good living habits and learning attitudes would have a significant effect on learning achievement; (10) family language environment did not affect learning achievement. According to the study results above, the meaning of the study is hereby proposed: family education is very important; education is one of the three dimensions that families, schools and society need to undertake responsibility for together. Keywords: new inhabitants, family background, learning achievement




