  • 學位論文


The Study of Immigrants' Basic Chinese Ability and Its Relation to The Design of Chinese Language Curriculum in Taiwan

指導教授 : 齊婉先
共同指導教授 : 鍾鎮城(Chen-Cheng Chun)


人的流動在當代已是種尋常景緻,人們在來去之間演繹著各自的生命故事,而語言這個元素在這些跨界故事當中,更是具有顯著的影響力。台灣雖然提供眾多語言進修課程供移民修讀,但對於課程分級架構、能力落點的認識仍是朦朧不清。因此,本研究的目的在於探究在台移民所需具備的基本聽、說、讀、寫四大華語能力之個別落點,以及達成此能力所需設置的課程時數、主題之架構。根據此研究目的,本研究欲探究之問題有三:在台移民所需的基本華語語言能力為何?培養在台移民基本華語語言能力所需之課程時數為何?以及培養在台移民基本華語語言能力所需之課程主題內容為何? 本研究的研究對象遍及全台,可分作三類受訪群體,分別是:8名分屬民間組織、公家單位,長期提供移民服務並主導行政與開課方向的課程設置者、63名執行第一線教學實務操作的移民華語教師,及作為30位課程主體的移民學習者。本研究以問卷和深度訪談之形式,調查三方對於基本語言能力落點、課程時數、課程綱要等要項的看法與建議,之後比較、分析與歸納三方論述及觀點,藉此釐清移民的基本華語學習需求、學習期待與教學目標。 本研究發現,在考量移民基本華語能力、課程時數與課程主題時,課程設置者和教師著重於語言需到達何種程度可獲取更好的生活,因此會同步考量課程密集性、連貫性、語言相關性、評鑑制度等相關要素。而受訪移民則傾向以顧及溫飽為首要考量,認為語言不該是歸化的門檻,每個人生活所需的語言標準不可齊一而論,需要給予更高的自主性,並強化學習支持系統。 研究結論可歸納成以下四點:第一、在台移民所需的基本華語語言整體能力為歐洲語言共同參考架構下的A2(入門)級;第二、培養移民基本華語語言能力所需之最低課時為81-120學時;第三、移民基本華語課程需含括主題為家庭、醫療、職場、婚喪喜慶、人際、電腦六大項目;最後,移民華語課程需含口語及讀寫技能之培養,但許多現行教師需要相關二語教學知能的培訓,以及相對應的教材及資源。最終,研究者建議在超過67.8%的非大陸港澳地區移民已取得身份證明之際,除了透過實驗性課程發展主題式移民華語課程之內涵外,也應同步完善其它相關配套措施,包含移民華語能力測驗之研製、擴大調查已歸化移民的學習需求及提昇學習興趣之法,以及整合性的移民法規及其政策研究。


Human migration is normal in the modern era. People's coming and going tells different stories of life. In these cross-border stories, language plays a pivotal role. Taiwan offers a wide diversity of language curriculums for immigrants but lacks a framework for classifying these curriculums and evaluating the level of language proficiency of learners. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the basic level of ability for listening, speaking, reading, and writing Chinese as well as the minimum hours and the thematic structure of courses that immigrants need to take to attain the ability. Based on this objective, this study formulated three questions to answer: What is the basic Chinese ability that immigrants in Taiwan need to have? How many hours of courses that they need to take to achieve a basic Chinese ability? What are the necessary themes of courses for nurturing such basic Chinese ability in immigrants in Taiwan. The subjects were recruited from all around Taiwan and then classified into three groups. They included 8 people dedicated to offering of services and arrangement of courses for immigrants in Taiwan in public or private organizations, 63 Chinese teachers, and 30 immigrants currently taking Chinese courses. Data were collected using a questionnaire and in-depth interviews to collect views on the basic level of Chinese ability, hours of courses, and curriculum guidelines from the three subject groups. The collected responses were then analyzed and compared to clarify immigrants’ needs, expectations, and goals in learning Chinese. Results showed that both course planners and teachers would evaluate which level of Chinese ability is essential for immigrants to live a better life when asked about the basic Chinese ability, hours of courses, and themes of courses for immigrants. They would consider course intensity, continuity, language relevance, and assessment at the same time. For most immigrants, sufficiency of food and clothing was the first priority. They mentioned that language should not be a threshold to naturalization, suggesting that basic Chinese ability for immigrants depends, and immigrants should be allowed more autonomy in learning Chinese and provided a better learning support system. The results were summarized as follows: (1) The basic Chinese ability needed by immigrants in Taiwan is equivalent to A2 (Way Stage) level under the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; (2) A minimum of 81~120 hours of courses is needed to acquire the basic Chinese ability; (3) The themes that should be included in the Chinese courses cover six categories, including family, medicine, occupation, weddings and funerals, interpersonal relations, and computer; (4) Chinese curriculums for immigrants should be designed to cultivate speaking, reading, and writing skills in immigrants, but in the present, many current teachers need TESL training and corresponding teaching materials and resources. As 67.8% of local immigrants from places other than China, Hong Kong, and Macau have received an identification card from our government, the authority concerned should provide and improve supplementary measures while developing thematic Chinese learning materials for immigrants through experimental curriculums. These measures include but are not limited to development of a Chinese language ability test, survey on needs of naturalized immigrants in learning, and integration of laws and policies governing immigration.


