  • 學位論文


The current situation and development of transnational higher education in U.K., U.S.A., and Australia: The international students’ point of view

指導教授 : 張鈿富


本研究旨在從國際學生面向探討英美澳跨國高等教育輸出現況與發展,本研究之研究目的為:1.探討英美澳跨國高等教育輸出現況;2.分析英美澳跨國高等教育輸出趨勢;3.比較英美澳跨國高等教育輸出異同;4.分析英美澳跨國高等教育輸出策略;5.提出我國政府擬訂相關政策之建言。本研究使用內容分析法、次級資料分析法與比較研究法進行相關資料的分析與比較。 經由相關主題之探討,本研究的主要發現為:1. 英美澳國際學生人數與比例皆明顯成長,當中又以澳洲成長幅度最大;2. 英國國際學生來源由區域型轉全球型;美國為全球型;澳洲為區域型;3. 英美澳國際學生皆以男性為主,但英澳兩國男女比例趨向均等;4. 英國國際學生主修領域由人文與科技類為主轉變為以社會與科技類為主;美國為主修科技類為主;澳洲則是主修社會類為主;5. 英國國際學生主修學位由大學為主型轉向大學與研究所並重型;美國由大學為主型轉向研究所為主型;澳洲為大學為主型;6. 英美澳跨國高等教育輸出的五大策略為:國際活動的推動與參與、相關政策的擬定與施行、專責組織的成立與發展、跨國品質的保證與提升,及流動誘因的建立與提供。 根據研究結果提出以下建議: 一、 對教育主管機關的建議:1.建立專責機構負責跨國高等教育推廣;2.瞭解國際學生需求建立吸引就讀誘因;3.積極參與國際活動並與他國建立合作;4.訂定完整且全面跨國高教育推行政策;5.提升高等教育品質建立品質保證機制。 二、 對後續研究者的建議:1.增加其他教育輸出國進行比較分析;2.對跨國高等教育輸出各面向進行探討。


The purpose of the research is to explore the current situation, the trends as well as the discrepancies of exportation of transnational higher education and to dissect the strategies for exportation of transnational higher education in U.K., U.S.A. and Australia. Content analysis, second-data analysis and comparative study are the research methods in this thesis to analyze relating data. The main conclusions regarding the international students in U.K., U.S.A. and Australia are as follows: 1. The populations of the international students all increase significantly. 2. The international students flow in U.K turns from globalization to regionalization; in U.S.A. shows the feature of globalization; in Australia shows the characteristic of regionalization. 3. Most international students are male; however, in U.K., and Australia the proportion of male to female tends to equilibrium in recent years. 4. In U.K., most international students major in societies and science & technology; In U.S.A., most international students major in s science & technology; In Australia, most international students major in societies. 5. In U.K., the international students mainly study equally both in university and graduate school now; In U.S.A., the international students mainly study in graduate school; In Australia, the international students mainly study in university. The strategies for the exportation of transnational higher education as well as suggestions for education administration and future research are included.


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