  • 學位論文


A Traffic Engineering Mechanism for Incremental Deployment of Software-Defined Networks

指導教授 : 吳坤熹


近幾十年來,網際網路已成為對人類發展影響重大的科技之一。然而隨著網路服務需求的快速變動,對於許多大型公司及資料中心而言,傳統網路架構不彈性和零散的控制方式,都造成新增或更動網路服務時需要耗費大量的成本。軟體定義式網路 (Software-Defined Networking ,SDN ) ,其將網路的控制層(Control Plane ) 及資料層(Data Plane ) 分開的做法,提供彈性化、模組化的網路定義介面,被認為能顛覆既有網路架構。但對於企業或校園而言,若要將網路替換成SDN 網路,往往因成本考量而採取逐步汰換的策略。因此,處於過渡階段的混合式SDN 網路,往往衍生新的管理議題。本論文將提供一混合式SDN 網路架構,並探討在此架構之下提供網路服務的可行性。


In recently decades, the Internet has become the most influential technology to human being. However, with the frequent changing of network requirements, some Internet service providers or data centers found out that the traditional network architecture is not flexible enough. A lot of money must be paid in adding/changing network services or network architecture. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a new concept to make networks more flexible. SDN not only focuses on separating the Control Plane and Data Plane but also provides a modular and flexible standard interface to change network operations. Although some companies such as Google have demonstrated the strength of SDN in solving problems which are difficult to solved by traditional network technologies, for some organizations and enterprises, they still have to incrementally deploy SDN because of the cost consideration. This phenomenon brings a new issue about how to make traditional networks and SDNs co-work normally during the transition. In this thesis, we proposed an SDN transition mechanism with Traffic Engineering and implemented it to demonstrate its effectiveness.


[1] Software-Defined Networking (SDN) Definition. [https://www.opennetworking.org/sdn-resources/sdn-definition]
[2] AT&T LABS. The Geoplex project. [http://www.geoplex.com/]
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