  • 學位論文


Exploration of the Business Model on Organic Ecological Industry ─ an Example of Ins-rich Eco-farm

指導教授 : 丁冰和


本研究旨在探討探討研究經營有機生態之商業模式以吟詩綠曲生態農場為例。以深度創業及經營管理之方式推動傳統農業轉型為有機產業之狀況進行探究,本著守護家園守護大地環境的使命,探究評估先天的條件及優勢瞭解市場需求,經由分析結果後了解南投縣埔里鎮為茭白筍最大的產地。其中有機轉型業者吟詩綠曲生態農場位於南投縣埔里鎮的一新里,整個社區擁有著三條溪的水源頭,分別為煙寮坑溪、樟湖坑溪、五股溪,乾淨水源的溪流不僅可以孕育甜美皎白的水生植物茭白筍,更是二級保育物種-「台灣白魚」最後的家。以探究吟詩綠曲生態農場在傳統農業產業的推廣情形及成果,以作為日後有心推動有機產業者提供參考之依據與後續研究。 本研究是透過事前產業的定位分析後,透過文獻分析、深度訪談、問卷調查與參與觀查等方法。創設吟詩綠曲生態農場,產業已由早期一級農產品的傳統銷售方式慣行銷售,發展升級到二級農產品加工,並漸進提升為三級產業之體驗包裝行程,吸引民眾參觀,並整合社區資源以吟詩綠曲生態農場為點出發串起社區小旅行,帶動社區營造,吸引青年返鄉,改善鄉村人口老化問題並提供就業機會增加社區經濟。 現今有機農場的蓬勃發展,是小農轉型的好契機,輔以政府大力鼓勵支持,幫助社區天然資源並結合政府資源一同守護「台灣白魚」的家。吟詩綠曲生態農場積極參與守護復育白魚,茭白筍與白魚共生的生態指標不僅取得有機認證並獲得林務局之綠保標章認證,讓農產品加值加分,創造與一般慣行農產品不同的通路。 研究結論,有機生態農場的成功轉型,能吸引更多年青人回到農村,為家鄉爸爸找出路,朝有機生態產業友善環境耕種方式,生態、生活與生產交融的面向,傳遞了一種人與自然尊重和諧的生活態度,創造彼此共存共榮生生不息,守護了白魚、金線蛙等保育物種,看到了永續農業發展的曙光。 關鍵字 : 吟詩綠曲生態農場;有機生態產業;茭白筍;台灣白魚;慣行銷售;有機認證;綠保標章認證。


This study was designed to investigate the business of organic ecological studies to explore business models to Ins-Rich ecological farm of case. Depth manner of promoting entrepreneurship and business management to explore the transformation of traditional agriculture to organic industry's situation. Wherein the organic transformation industry Ins-Rich ecological farm is located in the Yi Xin village, the town of Pu Li in NanTou county. The entire community have three creeks of water source. Respectively, Smoke Laos Creek, Zhanghu Creek, Wugu Creek. Clean water streams not only gave birth to sweet bright white water bamboo shoots of aquatic plants, but also two protected species - "Taiwan Whitefish 'last home. To explore the situation and achievements Ins-Rich Ecological Farm in the promotion of traditional agricultural industries, and based on the follow-up study to promote the organic industry as determined by reference. In this study, based on the pre-positioning industry, through literature analysis, in-depth interviews, questionnaires and other methods of Participation investigation. The Ins-Rich ecological farm, the traditional way of selling agricultural industry from an early stage of customs of sales, the development of agro-processing upgrade to the secondary and tertiary industries experience a gradual lifting of the travel package, to attract people to visit. And integration of community resources the Ins-Rich ecological farm community as a point of departure strung little trip, led the community to create and attract young people to return home, to improve the rural population aging issues and provide increased employment opportunities for the community economy. Now thriving organic farm is a good opportunity for small farmers in transition, combined with the government strongly encouraged and supported to help communities in natural resources and government resources in conjunction with the guardian of "Taiwan whitefish 'home. The Ins-Rich ecological farm actively involved guardian repopulation whitefish, bamboo shoots and whitefish symbiotic only achieved organic certification and Paul Green Mark certification of the Forest Service, so that agricultural bonus points, create and generally used to produce different row pathways. To conclusion, young people will be more attracted to come back to hometown through the successful case of transferring organic eco-farm. Helping the aged in hometown looking for another job. To turn toward organic industry and eco-friendly way of agriculture. To integrate production, live, and environment. Communicating a live attitude: respect and harmonious, male each other an environment. Not only protect the conserved animals but also see the twilight of organic industry. Keywords: Ins-Rich ecological farm;organic ecological industry;water bamboo shoots;Taiwan whitefish;inertia line sales;organic certification;Paul Green Mark certification.


