  • 學位論文


A exploratory study on the program by promoting community wellbeing, a case study of Pingho Village, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City.

指導教授 : 蕭文


本研究分三個研究階段。研究階段一旨在了解平和里居民對幸福的需求,並找出幸福感影響因素之優先順序及提升社區幸福感之方式,以作為幸福感方案之依據及基礎。研究階段二之研究目的則是根據研究階段一的結果,擬定社區幸福感服務方案的內容。研究階段三則為執行社區幸福感服務方案,並評估其成效。研究階段一採調查研究方式進行,其對象為平和里居民,總計416名參與者。研究階段二採半結構式訪談方式進行,共計有三名個別訪談研究參與者,訪談結束後採開放編碼方式進行質性資料分析。研究階段三採調查研究及半結構式訪談之方式進行,召開婦女團體及年長者聚會,共計107人次的參與,本階段亦同時進行採量化資料及開放編碼方式的質性資料分析。 本研究之主要研究發現如下: 第一階段:需求調查表的實證結果:一、近期生活的幸福感指標分析:(一)社區受試者其幸福感感受介於「有點幸福」及「普通」之間。(二)不同個人背景之社區民眾在感受幸福感有差異。二、現階段社區居民對幸福感影響因素之優先順序:分別為家庭因素、次為個人因素,最後為社區因素。三、提升社區幸福感之方式:包含,社區志願服務、增加鄰里關係、增加年長者活動、增加社區環境美化及治安提昇等五項。 第二階段:方案服務特性及形成方案內容:一、方案特性:以女性、年長者、已婚者、家管角色為促進社區幸福感主要動力來源。二、形成方案內容:(一)社區婦女團體:協助社區婦女認識社區、增加家庭的溝通技巧及促進鄰里關係等活動。(二)社區年長者聚會:方案內容主要包括,帶領年長長輩認識社區、社區懷舊之旅及促進鄰里關係等活動。 第三階段:方案執行後與社區幸福感之調查結果:一、 社區婦女團體:(一)參與方案後的幸福感感受由「幸福」、「有點幸福」提昇至「有點幸福」、「很幸福」。(二)參與方案後社區幸福感變化內涵:包括,對社區民眾有更深的認識、增進與社區民眾的關係、主動向社區尋求協助意願提昇、對社區資源運用更加熟悉、更加喜愛所在社區、對溝通技巧更加熟悉、對家庭生活的滿意狀況提高。二、年長者聚會:(一)參與後的幸福感感受由「有點幸福」、「很幸福」提昇至「很幸福」、「非常幸福」。(二)參與方案後社區幸福感之變化內涵:對社區民眾有更深的認識、增進與社區民眾的關係、在社區能獲得協助的同意程度、對社區資源運用更加熟悉、更加喜愛所在社區。 研究者根據上述研究結果進行討論,並據此結果提供若干建議以作為未來研究、社區工作者、社區年長者、社會政策及心理衛生工作者之參考。


There have 3 research stages for the study. The aim of the first study is to recognize residents’ needs for well-being in Pingho Village by using prioritizing the factors for well-being and promoting community well-being as research methods. The aim for the second study is to develope a community service program for well-being based on the result of the first study. The aim of the third study is to implement and assess the service plan. The methodology of the first study is a survey research by interviewing 416 participants living in Pingho Village. The methodology of the second study is a semi-structured interview and 3 participants were interviewed. Open coding analysis is applied to analyze data after interview. Survey research and semi-structured interview are applied to the third study by holding some women and elderly group. A total of 107 participants. Quantitative Analysis and open coding analysis are applied to examine the data. The main findings of the study are as follows: The outcomes of the survey research for the first stage of the study are divided from three parts, the index analysis for recent-life well-being, priority of the factors affecting community residents’ well-being, and methods to promote community well-being. For the index analysis for recent-life well-being, the results indicate that the participants’ welling-being is between “slightly” and “moderately”. Moreover, there are significant differences between individuals’ background. The results for the priority of the factors affecting community well-being are as follows, family factors, individual factors, and community factors. The results for methods to promote community well-being are volunteer service for community, enhancing communities relationship, increasing activities for elderly, communities landscaping, and enhancing quality of community security. For the second stage of the study, the results are indicated from the properties of the service programs and formation of the program contents. The properties of the service programs demonstrate that the motivation for enhancing community well-being is based on female, elderly, married people, and housewives. For the formation of the program contents, the evidences show that the community women group holds events to assist women for knowing more about the community, improving family communication skills, and enhancing relationship between neighborhoods. Moreover, the community elderly group holds events to help elder people for knowing community, having old days tours for community, and improving relationship between neighborhoods. For the third stage of the study, the results for practicing program and community well-being investigation are discussed from two angles, which are the community women and elderly group. Comparing with before practicing program, the results of the community women group shows that participants’ well-being enhances from slightly well-being to moderate well-being and strongly well-being. Moreover, residents are more understand their community and more familiar with the application of community resource. Relationship in the community is much more closer and the residents give approval to the community. Also, people are more active to ask for help and the communication skills are improved and the satisfaction for family life is enhanced. Comparing with before practicing program, the results of the elderly group demonstrates that participants’ well-being enhances from slightly and moderate well-being to strongly well-being. Furthermore, for the changes of community will-being, residents are more understand their community and residents’ relationship is much more closer. The supportive aids from community are enhanced. People are more familiar with the application of community resource. Comparing the satisfaction before practicing, people gratify to live in the community. According to the study, the suggestions can be provided as a reference for future study, community workers, community elderly, the workers of social policy and mental health to use.


