  • 學位論文


The Reform of Secondary Education in Vietnam 1986-2016: The New Institutionalism Perspective

指導教授 : 翁福元


本論文主要從鉅觀的視野,以新制度理論爲學理依據,分析市場經濟的轉型與發展,特別是在「革新」政策(Đổi Mới - Doi Moi)實施三十年之後(1986-2016),市場經濟對於越南中等教育發展的影響。本論文嘗試以「新制度主義」的觀點,建構出近三十年來,越南中等教育改革的歷程與模式。為了全面性的探索與解釋此一研究主題。首先,本論文一開始會先回溯越南教育體系的建立與發展歷史。之後,分析社會結構因素對越南中等教育體系改革的影響。最後,透過文獻的整理分析,從文化價值觀、人口結構變化、政治教育,以及經濟發展等四方面,探究「革新」政策推行後市場經濟對於越南中等教育發展的影響。 本論文係以「次級分析」為主,通過文獻探究和次級資料分析,以獲得研究所需之依據和證據。研究者發現,1986年揭示的經濟改革與創新的「革新」政策,不但為越南開?了轉變與發展的契機,同時也給越南中等教育改革帶來極大影響。這種制度上的變革,提供了一種與傳統的經濟與教育觀點迥異的分析角度。越南從1986年到2016年進行以社會主義為導向的市場經濟改革;於此同時,國家以及私人也開始保證每一個人都能公平地接受公共教育。在市場經濟體制中,國家會將公共教育成本的一部份轉嫁至受教者身上。在推行新的教育法令規定之後,國家不再擁有教育的壟斷權,越南公共教育逐漸傾向「私有化」。自此,越南教育制度便不斷地處於「市場化」,「私有化」,以及「多元化」的建構過程中。「新制度主義」可以解釋目前教育提供者的「市場化」,「私有化」,以及「多元化」趨向,技術上的課責,以及在教育機構內部的相互影響。另外,我們可以看到外在規範對於教育提供者參與度的影響。一個正處於「社會化」過程的體制,它面臨到「組織價值的國際化」,人們身處於其中,也能感受到這份重責大任。國家對於教育的影響力與權力,已經轉移到社會部門的其他成員。 最後,本論文討論到越南教育體系所面臨的挑戰。越南教育體系的變革,特別是中等教育,係受到各種外在環境與因素的影響。本論文對於教育政策上的議題與變化,以及它對國家選定哪些為教育優先事項的影響進行深究,以便於協助其他研究者確認,哪些是影響越南中等教育體系變革的主要因素。


This research mainly focuses on the macro level of the transition and development of a market-oriented economy which has been affected the development of Vietnam’s secondary education after 30 years of Đổi Mới (Doi Moi) from 1986 to 2016. This study has developed an explanatory model of secondary education reform in Vietnam from 1986 to 2016 by the new institutionalism perspective. To achieve a comprehensive exploration and explanation, this study traced back the origins and development of Vietnam education system prior to 1986, then, analyzed the influence of social structural determinants on Vietnam’s secondary education reforms. After cross-referencing literature, social-cultural values, demographic change, political education and economic development are used in order to achieve this analysis. The main research method used in this dissertation is secondary analysis. Data for the study were collected through document review and secondary information analysis. The findings of this dissertation indicate that the 1986 enactment of Đổi Mới (Doi Moi), a programme of economic reform and renovation introduced a new transition and development perspective for Vietnam. Changes in the new institution are a profound influence on Vietnam’s secondary education reform. The system of secondary education has grown out in the establishment of Vietnamese state’s new institutions. This new institutional change provides a way of viewing institutions outside of the traditional views of economics and education. The distinguishing feature of mass education in the context of a socialist-oriented market economy in Vietnam from 1986 to 2016 guarantees all of the people can access to education with equity. The state policy toward mass education under the market regime has been to shift an increasing share of the cost of education from the state onto consumers. Reorganizing the monopolistic role of the state in educational provision, and reforms in the educational structure in Vietnam have made education a mixed economy of private and public consumption. Educational institutions in Vietnam have been establishing the processes of diversification, marketization, and privatization. The new institutionalism for education focuses on the rise of greater provider pluralism, marketization, privatization, and technical accountability and tighter coupling inside educational institutions. Participants’ preferences are shaped by norms, reflected in evaluative judgments. Newcomers to an institution undergo “socialization,” which led to “internationalization” of organizational values, experienced as “commitment.” Power and authority in education in the hands of the state and/or the government were shifted to the diversity of actors in the societal sector. Analyses of challenges, new policy changes of Vietnam education system in general and of secondary education system in particular focus on the various causal factors that bring about a change in education reform image. Further research on issues and changes in educational policy image and its interplay with the setting of national policy priorities can assist international agencies in identifying the kinds of interventions that are most likely to result in major policy changes of secondary education in Vietnam.


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