  • 學位論文


A study of aborigine home-leaving study experiences and career construction

指導教授 : 蕭文


本研究旨在還原原住民青少年外出求學的生涯現象,擴充和豐富原住民外出求學之於生涯建構影響的理解。研究設計採用詮釋現象學觀點,以半結構深度訪談的方式,蒐集關於原住民青少年生涯建構故事。研究一共訪談12位受訪者,6位是原住民青少年、6位是原住民成年人。其中青少年部分分為外出求學和留在部落等兩個群體,成人部分亦分為曾外出求學和未曾外出求學兩個群體。本研究之主要發現如下: 本研究發現外出求學的原住民青少年其生涯建構有以下三項特點:(一)外出求學經驗的自我詮釋,建構非「成」即「敗」的極端生涯模式;(二)與平地人競爭和互動的主觀詮釋,影響生涯建構;(三)外在環境誘惑和脫離父母管束,建構疏離學業和親近菸酒的人生。留在部落的原住民青少年其生涯建構則有以下兩項特色:(一)對外出求學經驗的展望與觀望,影響生涯決定;(二)外出求學挫敗經驗的觀察和內化,造成預期失敗的心理恐懼。根據上述兩個群體的生涯故事,本研究進一步發現原住民青少年外出求學現象是部落內社會建構與個人主觀真實交互影響的結果,其內涵包含:(一)外出求學是一種社會潮流;(二)見多識廣是離開部落、外出求學的重要動力;(三)外出求學是獲得穩定工作、不再辛苦務農的重要機會;(四)外出求學才能成為部落看重的人;(五)山下的競爭氛圍,才能使人追求進步;(六)外出求學是進可攻、退可守的人生機會。 本研究發現曾外出求學的原住民成年人其生涯建構有以下三項特點:(一)非自願離家的經驗,影響生涯適應;(二)外出求學經驗的自我詮釋,影響生涯建構;(三)被歧視的經驗,開啟族群認同的生涯歷程。未曾外出求學的原住民成年人其生涯建構則有以下三項特色:(一)家境貧窮造成學業生涯早閉;(二)對貧窮的主觀詮釋,影響生涯建構;(三)意義的追尋是持續建構生涯的動力。根據原住民成年人的生涯回溯與觀察,本研究仍發現原住民青少年外出求學現象是部落內社會建構與個人主觀真實交互影響的結果,其內涵包含:(一)外出求學,象徵部落父母的愛和期待;(二)透過和平地人競爭,證明自己和族群的存在;(三)山上國中容易學壞的刻板印象,影響生涯選擇;(四)山上學校過於彈性的教育情境,影響學習成效;(五)平地的教育,提供較好的學習環境;(六)追尋優越感是外出求學的重要動力;(七)外出求學是不再辛苦務農的重要人生機會。此外,本研究也發現原住民成年人對子女教育的規畫和思考,仍大多以外出求學為優先考量,其考量的因素包含:(一)原住民父母希望能夠為子女開拓更多的生涯選擇;(二)對部落教育環境信心不足,影響原住民父母對子女的教育規畫;(三)家庭支持模式與情感維繫的策略,是子女外出求學的重要考量。 影響原住民青少年建構外出求學生涯的關鍵因素,可分為阻礙因素和保護因素兩大類。一、阻礙因素,包含:(一)脈絡性阻礙因素,例如:1. 山區教育環境的困局,不利原住民青少年生涯發展;2. 過早離家或缺少父母陪伴,造成外出求學的適應困難;3. 物質和娛樂的壓力和誘惑,吸引原住民青少年偏離學業常軌;4. 青少年次文化的壓力和誘惑,促成菸和酒的嘗試。(二)主觀性阻礙因素,例如:1. 平地人較優秀的前理解,啟動學業競爭失利和自我概念崩解的惡性循環;2. 歧視經驗的想像,弱化外出求學追尋成功的生涯準備度;3. 外出求學失敗的恐懼與預期,減損追求生涯成功的信心和勇氣。二、保護因素,則包含:(一)外在保護因素,例如,1. 延遲下山念書的時機,可能建構更具現實感的生涯觀;2. 「家」是因應生涯轉換歷程,不可或缺的支持力量;3. 友善的人際互動,提升面對歧視的勇氣;4. 適度的接觸與了解山下世界,增強外出求學的適應力。(二)內在保護因素,例如,1. 不服輸的意志,成為跨越阻礙的動力;2. 冷靜觀察和客觀判斷,造就面對生涯阻礙的沉穩心靈;3. 自我效能感是建構和穩定生涯發展的重要基石 。 本研究在原住民青少年和成年人生涯敘事的跨世代比對中,有以下四點發現:一、跨世代外出求學生涯價值觀存有共識和差異,其共識有:1. 外出求學是跳脫農人生涯的關鍵機會;2. 外出求學才有機會成為一個優秀的原住民;3. 山下的教育環境才能激發原住民青少年的競爭企圖。其差異為:1. 早期外出求學者,承擔較多與平地人競逐的部落期待;2. 近期外出求學者,懷抱較多增廣見聞的自我期許。二、原住民青少年生涯阻礙與因應策略有世代差異,主要分為兩項:(一)外出求學意願強弱雖有世代差異,但生涯規劃均未跳脫部落經驗;(二)歧視經驗與因應方式有世代差異。三、原住民青少年生涯觀窄化具有潛在危機,包括:(一)單一的生涯價值觀,限制原住民青少年發展多元生涯;(二)窄化的生涯價值觀,形成淘空部落的潛在風險。四、部落主流生涯價值觀已悄然發生轉變,包括有:(一)外出求學或工作不再是追尋生涯成功的唯一選項;(二)外出念書未必是生涯成功的保證,山上辛苦賺錢也可以是生涯的另類選擇。 研究者根據上述的研究發現與討論,對於未來研究、發展原住民生涯輔導實務、原住民父母規劃子女教育和原住民青少年教育工作等幾個層面,提出若干建議,作為相關學術研究、心理輔導與教育工作的參考。


This study aims to recall the aborigine teenagers’ experience of going away to school (GATS), and to expand and enrich how the GATS experience influcences their career construction. Based on the perspectives of Hermeneutic Phenomenology, this study develops semi-structured interviews to collect stories of aborigine teenagers’ career construction. A total of 12 participants are interviewed; half of them are aborigine teenagers and the other half are aborigine adults. The teenager sample includes GATS group (3 students) and stay home for school (SHFS) group (3 students); the adult sample contains GATS group (3 adults) and non GATS group (3 adults). The main findings of this study are as follows: This study finds that three features exist in the GATS teenagers’ career construction. First, aborigine teenagers’ interpretation of GATS experience results in an extreme success-failure career model. Second, aborigine teenagers’ interpretation of competition and interactivity with urban people affects their career construction. Finally, external environment enticements and lack of parental discipline contribute aborigine teenagers to disregard academic learning and to indulge in smoking and drinking. Additionally, there are two features in the SHFS teenagers’ career construction. First, aborigine teenagers’ expectation to go away to school affects their career decision. Second, aborigine teenagers will observe and internalize others’ experience of GATS failure, and have a fear of being defeated. Based on the stories of the two grops, this study further reveals that the aborigine teenagers’ GATS phonemenon is the results of the interaction between tribe-based social construction and personal subjective perspectives. The elements of GATS phonemenon are: 1). GATS is a social trend; 2). to be well-informed is a major motive of GATS; 3). GATS is a chance to have a good job rather than farming; 4). GATS can earn the tribe’s respect; 5). the intense competition in the city will make people advanced; 6). GATS is a flexible life chance. Next, this study finds that three features exist in the career construction of adults with GATS experience. First, the involuntary GATS experience affects their career adaption. Second, aborigine adults’ interpretation of GATS experience affects their career construction. Finally, the experience being discriminated leads aborigine adults to start to recognize their own ethnic group. There are three features in the career construction of non GATS adults. First, the poor economic circumstances enable aborigine adults’ career to be prematurely foreclosed. Second, aborigine adults’ interpretation of poverity affects their career construction. Finally, the pursuit of meaning is a major motive to construct career continuously. Based on the aborigine adults’ recall and observation of life, this study again reveals that the aborigine teenagers’ GATS phonemenon is the results of the interaction between tribe-based social construction and personal subjective perspectives. The elements of GATS phonemenon are: 1). GATS represents parents’ love and expectation; 2). To prove the existence of self and group by means of competing with urban people; 3). The stereotype that students at homeland schools are easy to pick up bad habits affects their career construction; 4). The flexible learning circumtances which homeland schools provide affects their learning performance; 5). Urban schools provide better learning circumstances; 6). The pursuit of excellence is a major GATS motive; 7). GATS is a chance to avoid farming. Additionally, this study finds GATS is still the top priority when aborigine adults plan for their children’s studying. The reasons are 1). aborigine parents hope to broaden career choices for their children; 2). the low confidence in educational environments of tribe affects aborigine parents’ plan for children; 3). the family support modes and the emotional connection strategies are important consideration of children’s GATS. The critical factors for aboriginal teenagers’ GATS involve in barrier factors and protective factors. First, the barrier factors include 1). contextual barrier factors such as a). the educational dilemma which aboriginals face disadvantages aboriginal teenagers’ career development; b). leaving home early and lacking parents’ company facilitate GATS aboriginal teenagers’ maladjustment; c). the material and entertaining temptation deviates aboriginal teenagers from academic learning; d). the pressure and lure from teenagers’ subculture drives them for alcohol and tabocoo; and 2). subjective barrier factors such as a). the pre-understanding that urban people are more excellent prompts teenagers being in a vicious circle of academic failure and self-concept destruction; b). the imagination of discrimination weakens teenagers’ readiness to pursuit for success; c). the fear and expectation of GATS failure mitigates teenagers’ confidence and courage for career success. Second, the protective factors include 1). external protective factors such as a). putting off the time to GATS may construct a more practical career viewpoint; b). home is the indispensable supporting power to cope with career transition; c). friendly interpersonal interaction increases their courage for discrimination; d). properly contacting and understanding urban cities strengthens the adaptation to GATS; 2). internal protective factors such as a). the tough will is the driver to overcome barriers; b). calm observation and objective judgments facilitates a strong mind for career obstacles; c). self-efficacy is the foundation to build and stabilize career development. By comparing the stories across generations, this study has four findings. First, both consensus and differences exist in the GATS opinions across generations. The consensus include 1). GATS is a critical chance to avoid farming; 2). GATS is a chance to become an excellent aboriginal; 3). the education environment in the urban cities is able to elicit aboriginal teenagers’ competition intention. The differences are that 1). early GATS students carry more expectation from the tribe to compete with urban people; 2). late GATS students hold more expectation from themself to broaden their horizons. Second, the generation differences are found in aboriginal teenagers’ career barriers and coping strategies, including 1). the GATS intention is different in generations, but the career planning are mostly based on tribe experience; and 2). the discrimination experience and coping are different in generations. Third, there are potential crises for aboriginal teenagers’ career restriction, including 1). consistent career value restricts aboriginal teenagers to develop multiple careers; and 2). narrow career value contributes to a potential risk of emptying tribe. Finally, the main career value in the tribe has changed slowly, including 1). GATS is not the only option for career success anymore; and 2). going away to school/work is not a warrant for career success, and making money in the tribe may be a career alternative. Based on our results, this study develops several suggestions for future research avenues, psychologyical counseling, and education from the perspectives of aboriginal career counseling practices, aboriginal parents’ plan for their children, and aboriginal teenager education.


