  • 學位論文


A Study of Development Trends on Taichung City’s Real Estate

指導教授 : 楊明青


房地產市場的發展在我國經濟發展過程中扮演重要角色,通常被視為帶動經濟成長的火車頭,更由於房地產兼具消費財與投資財特性,國人在「有土斯有財」的固有觀念及鼓勵長期持有的土地稅制誘因下,房地產成為主要資產投資標的。 臺中市位居臺灣中部地理位置,氣候宜人,腹地廣闊,一直是多數人宜居的城市首選,於2010 年 12 月 25 日臺中縣、市合併改制後,臺中都會區獲得重新定位,2011年起辦理「臺中市區域計畫」作業,進行大臺中體質調整,2018年1月19日公告實施「臺中市區域計畫」,政府也積極實踐「大臺中123」奠基工程,因臺中市具備有強大的腹地,加上政府與民間的投資建設開發,以及重大的交通、公共等建設,使其成了一個大吸鐵,帶動臺中人口及就業機會持續增加,促進產業發展契機,這些人口帶來食、衣、住、行各方面的需求,從而也帶動其它從餐飲、零售、房地產到觀光休閒等消費上的需求全部上來,從而形成良性循環,進而挹注臺中房地產另一波新動能,並結合周邊的城市聯合發展,共創中部500萬人以上的大都會格局。


The development of the real estate market plays an important role in the development of Taiwan's economy, usually is regarded as the lead of economic growth, because real estate has both the characteristics of consumption and investment wealth. Under the influence of ‘estate equals wealth’ and the encouragement of tax incentives for long-term holders in the nation, real estate has become the main asset investment target. Taichung City is located in the central of Taiwan. It have comfortable climate, vast land and it has always been the first choice for most people to live in. After on December 25, 2010 Taichung Country and Taichung City merged, Taichung Metropolitan Area has been repositioned. The "Taichung City Regional Planning" was introduced in 2011 and made adjustments to the Taichung area. On January 19, 2018, it announced the implementation of the "Taichung City Regional Planning". The government is also actively implementing the foundation project of "Big Taichung 123". Since Taichung City has a vast land, the funding invested both from the government and private sectors and developments in transportations, public constructions, etc. has become a big attraction and promotes opportunities for various industries developments. The increase in population enhanced the need in food, clothing, housing, it also drive other consumer demands such as dining, retail, real estate, tourism and leisure industries, thus causing a virtuous cycle. Hence these brought a new wave to Taichung’s real estate and combined with the neighboring counties and cities to develop together in creating a metropolitan pattern of more than 5 million people in the central region.


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