  • 學位論文


Power and Impact of the State, Capitalists, and Audience on Media's Autonomy- A case study of Taiwan(1987-2008)

指導教授 : 陳嫈郁


本研究係以權力根源概念探究國家機關、資本市場與閱聽眾權力對新聞媒體自主性的影響。本研究認為傳統典型國家理論僅提供單面向解釋與分析,並不能透視1987年到2008年,新聞媒體自主性發展。故本研究含括Gramsci文化霸權論、菁英論、多元論卅新多元論。本研究以理論方式重構分析模型,比較、分析三種國家理論,藉以突顯權力動態過程與結構。本研究亦針對權力根源論述,利用「超越結構與行動者」、「超越物質主義與意念主義」兩概念彌補過往文獻對於新聞媒體自主性論述之不足,並依此建構操作型指標,析究台灣媒體發展過程。   本研究透過歷史制度論、文獻分析法、調查研究法三種研究方法分析行動者與結構之間的關連性。以「1987年-2000年」、「2000年-2008年」兩個不同時間序列進行個案內比較。資料蒐集方面,本研究分析國內外學術書籍、期刊文章、學位論文、政府出版品、相關媒體統計資料與報章雜誌等次級資料。並且透過問卷調查當前專業新聞工作人員對於1987年到2008年,我國新聞媒體自主性的演變。問卷施測能補強次級資料侷限之處,也能深刻還原、反映第一線新聞工作人員感受到的媒體變化。   本研究認為單一國家理論已不能洞察隱藏於新聞媒體當中的權力結構變化。國家機關、資本市場、閱聽眾權力根源,也非獨斷享有影響對新聞媒體自主性,取而代之的是三個行動者相互牽引的權力。另外,結構亦深受行動者影響,當新聞媒體出現劇烈變化時,行動者的權力也會產生更迭情況。本研究希冀建立宏觀的比較分析架構分析新聞媒體自主性,並證明國家機關、資本市場與閱聽眾權力是如何影響新聞媒體自主性。


This thesis aims to employ the conception of power resources to explore power and impact of the state, capitalists and audience on media’s autonomy from 1987 to 2008. It argues the orthodox state theories only can provide one-sided and static perspective on this issue. Unsatisfied with the explanations provided by the orthodox state theories, Gramsci’s culture hegemony theory, elitism, pluralism and neo-pluralism, the amibition of this thesis is to construct a more comprehensive account and analysis than those in three orthodox state theories. Therefore, in developing this argument, this thesis takes an overly theoretical approach to reconstruct an analytical model that highlights the processes and dynamics of the power mechanisms and configuration. Moreover, this framework utilizes two conceptions “beyond structure and agency” and “beyong material and idealism” to construct its operationalized criteria to investigate the empirical case of Taiwnaese media development.   Following these theoretical lines of reasoning, the empirical chapters adopts three research methods includes “historical institutionalism”, “literature analysis” and “survey method” to verify the hypothesis and to test the validity of the criteria in analytic framework by sequences comparisons of two power configuration. The thesis relies heavily on academic materials that include books, dissertations, government document and statistical data related to the media and press and secondary data. Moreover, I conduct a questionnaire on media autonomy with the current professional journalist those had news media’s experience more than 20 years to verify the power configuration transformation in this process. This thesis contributes to establish a more comprehensive analytic framework for the autonomy of media and verify how the power of the state, capitalists and audience impact on media’s autonomy.


Arthur Asa Berger、董素蘭著,董素蘭等譯,2000,《大眾傳播導論》,台北:學富文化事業有限公司。譯自Essentials of Mass Communication Theory. American: Pine Forge Press.
