  • 學位論文


Multi-Embedding Channels Based Data Embedding Schemes

指導教授 : 黃育銘


本文主要探討基於矩陣編碼(Matrix Encoding)的資料隱藏(Data Hiding)技術,比較在同樣的嵌入率(Embedding Rate)下其平均失真度(Average Distortion)及嵌入效率(Embedding Efficiency)。文獻上的列-行嵌入法(Row-Column Embedding Algorithm)與權重逼近法(Weighted Approach Algorithm)都是一種基於(7, 4)漢明-乘積碼(Hamming -Product Code)之次佳資料隱藏技術。本論文將提出兩種多重嵌入通道式(Multi-Embedding Channels)的資料隱藏技術,一是改良式列-行嵌入法,二是利用權重逼近法降低修改量的改良式乘積碼嵌入法,分別較原方法有較低的平均失真度,也就是有較高的嵌入效率,進而更逼近最佳解;而改良式乘積碼嵌入法若允許修改到像素的第二最低位元(Second Least Significant Bit; SLSB),則可以利用漢明+1(Hamming + 1)的技巧進而再提高嵌入效率。


This dissertation first explores the data hiding schemes which are based on the technique of matrix coding. Under the same value of embedding rate, the efficiency of each data hiding scheme is evaluated by the metric of average distortion (or average embedding efficiency). In the literature, both of the row-column embedding and the weighted approach algorithms are the sub-optimal solutions for the (7, 4) Hamming-product code based data hiding problem. Then, two multi-channel embedded data hiding techniques ? one is the modified row-column embedding scheme, and the other is the modified product-code based embedding scheme, are presented. The latter has combined the technique of weighted approach algorithm. While comparing to the original embedding schemes, both proposed schemes have lowered the average distortion (i.e. heightened the embedding efficiency). In addition, the embedding efficiency of the latter proposed scheme can be further enhanced through the technique of Hamming +1.


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