  • 學位論文


A Qualitative Study of Primary Caregivers’ Experience on Educating Preschooler Emotional Competence

指導教授 : 趙祥和


本研究主要在探討「主要照顧者對學齡前幼兒情緒能力教養經驗的探討」,主要研究目的如下:一、探討主要照顧者對學齡前幼兒情緒能力教養經驗的覺察;二、探討主要照顧者對學齡前幼兒情緒能力教養的方式;三、探討主要照顧者對學齡前幼兒情緒能力教養遭遇的困難與調適之道。本研究以質性研究深度訪談的方式,共計訪談六位主要照顧者。 依據研究分析結果,有以下發現: 一、主要照顧者對學齡前幼兒情緒能力教養經驗的覺察整理出三大項經驗: (一) 主要照顧者覺察在教養子女過程中自己正在複製原生家庭經驗 又其中包含下列三點內涵: 1. 照顧者覺察到原生家庭經驗到的手足競爭議題浮現在下一代 2. 照顧者覺察到在原生家庭裡不可以有情緒、不可以頂撞,並複製此經驗到教 養子女身上 3. 照顧者投射原生家庭烙印下的受傷情緒或未滿足的渴望到孩子身上 (二) 主要照顧者覺察某些親子相處議題特別容易被引發情緒地雷 (三) 雙方互為主體—主要照顧者覺察親子衝突中親方與子方情緒交叉影響 二、主要照顧者對學齡前幼兒情緒能力教養的策略為: (一) 情緒層面: 運用同理與陪伴、照顧者協助孩子表達情緒、照顧者表達自己的情緒 (二) 認知層面: 運用電影媒材教導負面情緒的傷害性、運用譬喻教導對情緒分級的認識 (三) 行為層面: 照顧者增加教養方法的彈性、降低對孩子行為目標的要求、在孩子活動結束前事先預告、在孩子情緒穩定時再進行教悔、在情緒還沒到高點爆炸前先給予安撫 三、主要照顧者面對幼兒情緒能力教養困難的調適之道有下列面向: (一) 情緒層面: 照顧者理解並同理到孩子的需求、照顧者把自己的情緒和孩子的情緒區分開來 (二) 認知層面: 照顧者因應原生家庭經驗進行調適、照顧者運用認知的策略來教導孩子,幫助孩子情緒穩定 (三) 行為層面: 照顧者增加對自己的自我照顧、照顧者參加社群團體增加教養知識


The study aims to discuss “A Qualitative Study of Primary Caregivers ’ Experience on Educating Preschooler Emotional Competence”, and the main research objectives are as follows: I. to have a discussion on the awareness of primary caregivers on their emotional competence developing experiences to pre-school children; II. to discuss the methods taken by primary caregiver for emotional competence development to pre-school children; and III. to discuss the difficulties and corresponding actions of primary caregivers on emotional competence of pre-school children. The study conducts qualitative research and in-depth interviews, and six primary caregivers have been interviewed. According to the analysis result of study, we’ve come up with the following discoveries: I. The three main experiences compiled from the experiences of primary caregivers on emotional competence development of pre-school children: (I) The primary caregiver has perceived that they are replicating the experiences of their family of origin during the upbringing of children Such discovery includes the three connotations: 1. Caregivers have perceived that the sibling competition issue existing in their families of origin emerges in their next generation. 2. Caregivers have perceived that no negative emotions and disrespect is allowed in their families of origin, and caregivers replicate such experiences to their upbringing children. 3. Caregivers project hurt emotions branded by their family of origin or unsatisfied desires to their children. (II) Primary caregivers have perceived that certain issues concerning parent-children engagement can trigger the emotional landmines easily. (III) Both parties are subject to each other-Primary caregivers have perceived that parents and children’s emotions have a cross impact in parent-children conflicts. II. The strategy of primary caregivers developing emotional competence of pre-school children (I) Emotion: Utilize empathy and company, and caregivers should help children express their emotions meanwhile expressing emotions of themselves. (II) Cognition: Make good use of movies and other media to teach children of the harmfulness of negative emotions, and use similes to introduce children the scale of emotions. (III) Behaviors: Caregivers should increase the elasticity of upbringing, decrease requirements to children on behavior objectives, inform children in advance before the activities end, teach lessons after the child’s emotion is stabilized, and soothe children in advance before the emotions reach the brink of breakdown. III. Primary caregivers’ reactions to difficulties met during emotional competence of children can be categorized into the following aspects: (I) Emotion: Caregivers understand and empathize children’s needs, and separate the emotions of themselves from those of children. (II) Cognition: Caregivers conduct adjustments in response to experiences of their families of origin, and caregivers use cognitive strategies to teach children and help children stabilize their emotions. (III) Behavior: Caregivers increase their self-care to themselves while joining in communities and groups to increase upbringing knowledge. III. Primary caregivers’ reactions to difficulties met during emotional competence of children can be categorized into the following aspects: (I) Emotion: Caregivers understand and empathize children’s needs, and separate the emotions of themselves from those of children. (II) Cognition: Caregivers conduct adjustments in response to experiences of their families of origin, and caregivers use cognitive strategies to teach children and help children stabilize their emotions. (III) Behavior: Caregivers increase their self-care to themselves while joining in communities and groups to increase upbringing knowledge.


王怡又 (2000)。祖父母照顧的幼兒如何表達情緒。靜宜大學青少年兒童福利系碩士論文。未出版。臺中市。
