  • 學位論文


Production and Characterization of Structural Clay Ceramics Incorporated with Diatomaceous Earth

指導教授 : 李文娟


隨著永續發展的議題普遍受到重視,如何節能減碳共同為地球盡一份心力,是現今研究的主題;傳統營建材料的製造也因應環保和節能的訴求,研究上著重輕質、節能、防火等具隔音及絕熱的性質。在土木應用上,磚材多半用於牆面及隔間使用,磚材的品質可影響室內環境的舒適性。磚材之製造由於不同成份及製造方式,會改變磚材的物理及機械性質,由於矽藻土具有眾多的殼體孔洞,而孔隙度會直接影響建材的隔熱性質,矽藻土已普遍用於混凝土及砂漿做為減輕重量及隔熱用,因此本研究希望利用矽藻土做為磚材製作的添加物,了解矽藻土及製程過程,對磚材隔熱效果及相關物理及機械性質之影響,並能兼顧結構用材料所具備的強度要求。此項研究中使用兩種黏土原料,希望瞭解黏土成份的差異對黏土陶瓷材料之關連性,其中係以矽藻土的不同比例(10-40%)及不同燒結溫度(900、950、1000、1100℃)做為對照參數,針對密度、孔隙率、吸水率、體積收縮率、抗壓強度、熱傳導係數等性質進行比較。由密度及孔隙度結果顯示,添加矽藻土皆會使兩種黏土原料所製成的磚材孔洞生成不少,相對的造成樣品的密度下降,達到重量減輕的效果,但相對的抗壓強度也會下降。實驗結果顯示,當燒結溫度上升時,其密度和抗壓強度會上升,孔隙率及吸水率則會下降。在燒結溫度為1100℃時,球土原料添加30%和40%的矽藻土,可有效的降低熱傳導係數,但抗壓強度降為13.6-16.16 MPa。在燒結溫度為1100℃,添加40%矽藻土的黏土樣本,其熱傳導係數相較未添加的試體分別下降約40%,觀察到矽藻土的添加確實可以有效地降低磚材中的熱傳導係數,對於磚材的輕質化以及隔熱效果有明顯的改善。


Diatomaceous earth is used extensively in concrete and mortar for weight- reduction and heat insulation. With the focus on reducing thermal conductivity and maintaining sufficient compressive strength, this study examined the effect of diatomaceous earth on the physical- mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of clay-based ceramics. Two clay raw materials were used for comparison. The microstructure and physical-mechanical properties of fired samples were evaluated with different replacement ratios (10-40%) and firing conditions (900、950、1000、1100℃). The clay-based ceramic materials were characterized by bulk density, porosity, shrinkage, and compressive strength. The thermal conductivity was measured in the green bodies and fired products. The results show that diatomaceous earth promotes the pore forming quite obviously for both clay samples. Hence, the increase in diatomaceous earth content leads to the decrease on compressive strength. Results indicate that diatomaceous earth promotes the thermal insulation ability only for ball clay with 30-40% addition with a firing temperature of 1100℃, but it leads to a decrease of compressive strength to about 13.6-16.16 MPa. With a firing temperature of 1100℃, the thermal conductivity of clay samples produced with 40% addition of diatomaceous earth was reduced 40%, compared to the one without diatomaceous earth. The current results show the effect of diatomaceous earth on weight reduction and the thermal insulation ability of clay brick.


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