  • 學位論文

省台14線沿線社區的產業環境重構: 國道6號可能衝擊的因應之道

Re-building the Industrial Environment for Communities on Route 14: A Response to the Potential Impacts of Highway 6

指導教授 : 孫同文


論文摘要 從1977年第一條高速公路完工,政府為促進全國區域均衡發展,陸續興建第二高速公路及快速公路等,開啟了各個縣市政府與民意代表積極爭取的地方建設手段。1989年政府開始規劃全台環狀高速公路的計畫,中橫快速公路也被規劃其中,但是直到1999年9月21日大地震所帶來的巨大災變之後,行政院為迅速恢復秩序,讓民眾在居住、生活上得到安定,產業、事業、就業上獲得恢復,重振中潭軸線生機,才震出闢建國道6號的契機。 本文以國道6號的開闢,對於省道台14線草屯段沿線社區﹙包含富寮、坪頂、南埔、土城、平林、雙冬﹚生活與產業的衝擊與因應之道為研究焦點,剖析國道6號的開通前、後對原有車水馬龍的中潭省台14線造成影響,生活於中潭省台14線沿線社區民眾可否有另類思維可以克服國道6號通車後的衝擊。台灣已有數處的地方受到國道快速公路的開闢,有的地區是正向發展的,有的地區真的是衝擊也不少。我們也即將面臨同樣困境,中潭省台14線未來又該如何因應?本文的政策建議,應該對於其他相同情境的社區深具意義。


Abstract In 1977, R.O.C government on Taiwan had constructed the first highway. Since then, building infrastructures (particularly the highway system) has been perceived as a means for balancing the unequal development between urban and rual areas in Taiwan, it also intensifies the competitions among local governments for more Central government funding. For Nantou County, the policy window was opened after the “911 earthquake” in 1999; a Highway 6 has been planned and constructed for replacing the old Route 14 for the purpose of promoting local transportation and economy. There are six communities located alone Route 14. The road has brought thousands of tourists to the region and has created positive as well as negative impacts to the citizens of these communities. Without doubt, Highway 6 will eventually take away most of the tourists and damaging the local economy. The objective of this study is to analyze the potential impacts of Highway 6 on the service industries and the livelihoods of these six communities. Data are collected by interviewing selected local elites and citizens from all of these communities. On the basis of data analysis, policy recommendations are made for re-building the industrial environments for communities on Route 14. Facing similar developmental problems by many local communities in Taiwan, it is hoped that these policy recommendations can also shed some lights on their strategies for future development.



