  • 學位論文


Educating Towards Cosmopolitan Sensibility: Engendering Intercultural Communicative Competence Via Dialogic Approaches to EFL

指導教授 : 洪雯柔


在現今的跨國世界實體裡,增權賦能以讓青年有能力去了解與連結文化間的差異是相當重要的,世界主義觀點中對這些差異的尊重,理應成為二十一世紀學習中的一項準則。在英語作為外語教學方面,為了改善學校英語教學根基,本研究希望能夠提升學生對於文化多樣性欣賞的素養,必須將英語教學視為是一種社會文化學習的、建構主義的和對話式的教與學。這項教學改變的重點有益於推動跨文化的教學方法,讓學生在臺灣這個相對同質的環境中思考多樣性。本研究採混合研究方法,以大學一年級學生為研究對象,本研究旨在了解透過外國文學作品之閱讀以及「閱讀回應寫作」(RRW)與「文學圈討論」(LCD)的教學方式,對學生在學習全球重要且具特定文化背景的之影響,以及學生對於全球連結的感受。 在第一階段為行動研究法,包含規劃、行動、觀察與反思等四個循環步驟, 將其作為檢視提升全球意識效能的工具,接著以結構式訪談、調查法與問卷調查進行質性與量化分析;繼之,採用源自於「交流回應理論」的「對話回應閱讀」(DRR)與「美學回應論述理論」(ARD),使學生能具批判性的自我反思,並根據理論編定具意義建構導向的跨文化能力指標。根據多方的三角檢證後,顯示在兩組參與的學生中對於文學的生活回應都證實世界觀的養成是重要的。在主題文本分析方面,從強調跨文化能力的回應寫作參與者中挑選出177組進行分析,以及根據Byram(1997)的跨文化溝通能力模組確定了認知、情意、技能三個面向的效能。這些分析在情意與認知觀點方面皆呈現在社會價值觀、社會風俗、社會系統等三種型態之中,這項結果凸顯出世界觀精神與跨文化取向。最後,透過探究式的、學生中心的與經驗的教學法增加了跨文化交流的需求,這些方式讓EFL教室場域得以轉型與實踐,並且創造出更多可與他人接觸的空間。


Empowering youth with the ability to understand and bridge difference across cultures is paramount in today's transnational reality. Cosmopolitan respect for difference ought to be an axiom of 21st century learning. Laying the foundation in schools for the invigoration of English Language Teaching (ELT) to enhance appreciation of cultural diversity becomes possible with an emphasis on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) as sociocultural learning, constructivist and dialogic. Such emphasis is beneficial in advancing an intercultural approach to instruction for students contemplating diversity in relatively homogenous environments. This project represents the first stage of action research grounded in cycles of planning, acting, observing and reflecting upon the efficacy of literature as a tool for encouraging heightened global mindedness. The research applies a mix-method approach, blending quantitative analysis from semi-structured interviews, surveys, and questionnaires with qualitative description of narratives found in first year post-secondary students’ Reader Response Writing (RRW) and Literature Circle Discussion (LCD) to determine the effect of globally significant and culturally-specific literature (GSCS-Lit) upon students’ feelings of global connection. The methods of Dialogic Responsive Reading (DRR) and Aesthetic Response Discourse (ARD), both inspired by transactional theory, enabled students’ critical self-reflection which produced aesthetic responses highlighting indicators of Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) within domains of meaning construction. Results delivered from a multi-phase triangulation interlinked with analysis of students ‘lived responses’ to the literature demonstrated the cultivation of cosmopolitan sensibility among participants in two cohorts. A thematic textual analysis (TTA) of 177 extracts culled from response writing underscored dimensions of ICC within participants’ meaning construction, suggesting the efficacy of Byram’s (1997) model of ICC in ascertaining affective, cognitive, and skills domains. The analysis revealed a pattern of affective and cognitive perceptions within three kinds of broad responses addressing social values, social customs, and social systems. The results add weight to the demand for a cosmopolitan ethos to intersect with intercultural approaches for an inquiry-based, student-centered, and experiential pedagogy generating a transformational praxis in EFL classrooms, and creating more enlivened spaces for engagement with the Other.


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