  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Graduates' Employment of Education Department and Graduate Institues of Universities in Taiwan

指導教授 : 吳慧子


本研究旨在探討台灣大學校院教育類系所畢業生就業現況與學用配合情形,以個案研究方式進行對A系86-95級全體畢業生(共計311人)進行電話問卷普查,並針對代表性樣本輔以電話訪問,總計回收有效問卷163份、訪談十位畢業生。問卷調查結果以統計方法進行分析,包括次數分配、百分比、標準差、平均數、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)、皮爾森績差相關等統計方法。研究發現如下: 一、不同背景畢業生的就業現況 61.3%的A系畢業生目前工作狀態為就業中;其中以「行政主管、企業主管及經理人員」及「教師(中小學、特教及幼稚園教師)」為最大宗,佔就業人數30%,其次則為「公務人員」,於就業人數中佔15.8%。就業人數中,超過五成的畢業生服務於「公立學校」,其次為「公營事業機構、政府機關(不含括學校)」,佔就業人數25.7%;此結果符合A系以培養國內外華人各級各類教育行政領導專業人才與兼具教育素養與教學專門知能的中等學校教育師資之目標;再者,畢業生平均月薪為31,977元,其中最高教育程度為博士之畢業生平均月薪為72,500,碩士班為46,388元,學士班為19,721元。不同性別、就讀身份別(一般生、在職生)、畢業班別(學士班、碩士班)與最高教育程度於就業率上均達顯著差異。 二、不同背景畢業生的學用配合情形 有就業中畢業生86%認為目前工作與就讀A系有相關,且有69.4%的就業中畢業生認為就讀A系對工作有幫助。除了不同「性別」的畢業生在學用配合上沒有顯著的差異之外,「身份別」、「畢業班別」、「最高教育程度」三個變項上均有顯著差異。 三、畢業生在校學業成績與就業現況、學用配合情形間之關係 「在校學業成績」和「畢業班別」為顯著正相關;而「月薪」、「工作滿意度」、「目前工作與就讀A系是否相關」、「就讀A系對工作的助益程度」與「憂慮程度」五者則皆無達到顯著相關。 根據上述研究發現,進而提出以下四項研究結論,分別為: 一、A系碩士班畢業生之就業率高於學士班畢業生。 二、A系畢業生之目前工作性質與A系所設立之教育目標頗為一致。 三、A系碩士班畢業生之學用配合情形高於學士班畢業生。 四、A系畢業生之畢業班別與就業現況、學用配合情形及在校學業成績間有顯著相關。 根據上述的研究結果,分別對台灣大學校院教育類系所與教育主管機關提出宜發展系所自我優勢、強化職涯輔導工作、建立長期縱貫性研究機制、結合資源擴大辦理就業輔導活動等建議,以及後續研究之參考。


This study primarily considers the employment status and the application situation of graduates of education department and graduate institutes of universities in Taiwan. In this study, researcher chooses the A department as a case study, executing the telephone questionnaire survey on all of the graduates of A department (total: 311) and doing telephone interviews with the representative samples of A department. Researcher totally retrieving 163 valid questionnaires, and interviews with 10 graduates. Data from the questionnaire survey is analyzed by statistical methods, including frequency distribution, percentages, standard deviation, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson correlation. Research findings are as follows: 1. The employment status of graduates with different backgrounds 61.3% of the graduates are obtaining employment. Among them, "the administration director, business executives and the management staff" and "teachers (primary and secondary schools, special education and kindergarten)" take the largest, accounting for 30% of employment, followed by "public servant" in employment accounted for 15.8%. Within the graduates who are obtaining employment, over half of the graduates serve in "public schools" and "public utilities, government agencies (schools excluded)", accounting for 25.7% of employment. This result conforms to the educational objectives of A department. Furthermore, the average monthly salary of graduates is $31977, of which doctor’s average monthly salary is $72500, master $46388 and bachelor $19721. Different gender, the identity (general or on-service students), enrollment and graduation years, graduating class (Bachelor class or master class) and the highest level of education all vary in terms of employment status. 2. The application situation of graduates with different backgrounds 86% of graduates in employment consider their current work having correlation with A department, and 69.4% of graduates in employment believe studying in A department is helpful for their career. Except for the application situation of graduates with different gender, other variables have significant differences. 3. The relationship among graduates’ academic performance, employment status and application situation Graduates’ academic performance has positive correlation with their “class of graduation”. On the other hand, Graduates’ academic performance has no correlation with their “monthly salary”, “job satisfaction”, “the correlation between work and A department”, “the helpfulness of studying in A department” and “the extent of disquiet”. In other words, the better graduates’ academic performance is, the stronger correlation with their higher monthly salary, “involvement of current work and A department”, “the helpfulness of studying in A department” and “class of graduation”. According to the findings mentioned above, research results are as fallow: 1. The employment rate of master graduates is higher than bachelor graduates of A department. 2. The job functions of graduates conform to the educational objectives of A department. 3. The application situation of master graduates is higher than bachelor graduates of A department . 4. The graduates’ “class of graduation” has positive correlation with “employment”, “application situation” and “academic performance”. Based on the conclusions mentioned above, the suggestions of “Development of departmental advantages”, “Strengthening career consulting”, “Establishment of long-term researching mechanism and institute”, “Expanding activities of employment consulting with combines resources” are also provided to the education department and graduate institutes of universities in Taiwan, educational administration authorities and institutions.




