  • 學位論文


The Study of Socialization of Substitute Teachers at Elementary

指導教授 : 高又淑


本研究旨在探討國小代理代課教師之社會化歷程,透過質性研究方法,選取八位國小代理代課教師進行半結構式的訪談及相關文獻分析。代理代課教師社會化歷程主要可分為預期的社會化階段、調整適應階段、自我角色定位管理等階段。 壹、研究結果如下: 一、預期的社會化階段:代理代課教師面對即將就任的學校,通常會依據個人的想法或經驗面對,有些會積極得蒐集相關的資訊,有些則是消極以對。 二、調整適應階段: (一)代理代課教師面對學校安排的新進教師說明會的反應大約可分 為:欣然接受、態度消極、以及不滿意等型態。 (二)大都會地區的學校能提供代理代課教師較多的社會化歷程。 (三)學校制度文化之良窳與否,將影響代理代課教師的社會化歷 程。 (四)代理代課教師在人際互動上,通常和同身分的代理代課教師有 較多的互動接觸。 (五)代理代課教師遭遇困境時,有消極面對、圓融處理、及配合轉 變等因應態度。 (六)代理代課教師大都會因任期之短暫、權利義務不對等之因素, 較不會積極全面投入學校事務。 三、教師自我角色定位管理階段:代理代課教師之自我角色定位上,部份受訪教師有自覺身分地位較低落之感受,但亦有教師能肯定自我價值如接受淬鍊一般。 貳、根據研究結果,提出以下建議: 一、建議學校可根據代理代課教師年資、資歷深淺的不同,設計不同的社會化導入過程,使每一位代理代課教師都能樂於接受學校給予之社會化歷程。 二、建議偏遠地區學校能善用資源,或結合其他學校資源,增加能幫助代理代課教師社會化歷程的相關活動或課程。 三、建議學校能建立一個「學習型」的組織環境,讓代理代課教師有良好的互動及學習環境,得以在教師專業上更加成長。 四、建議正式教師應多給予代理代課教師適當之尊重及肯定,並學習和代理代課教師相處融洽。 五、建議代理代課教師能用樂觀的態度,面對所遭遇之困境,努力使自己在教學及行政事務上獲得肯定。 六、建議政府或相關單位在代理代課教師法規政策的制訂上,能做一完善、整體且有前瞻性的規劃,並制定專屬於代理代課教師的法令規章,讓代理代課教師能對學校產生更大的向心力。 關鍵詞:代理代課教師、教師社會化、組織社會化、質性研究


The purpose of this study is to explore the socialization of substitute teachers at elementary schools by qualitative research methods including the following two approaches, semi-structured interviews of eight substitute teachers and literature review. The results of data analysis reveal that there are three stages of the substitute teachers’socialization: the pre-employment stage, the adaptation (encounter) stage, and the role management stage. At the first stage, substitute teachers mainly used two different strategies to socialize themselves with the new schools according to their personal thought or experiences. For example, some actively gathered relevant information and others acted passively. At the adaptation stage, first, three reactions for the substitute teachers to the orientation arranged by the new schools included acceptance, passiveness, and the unsatisfactory type. Secondly, the metropolitan schools could provide more socialization and training opportunities for these substitute teachers. Thirdly, the quality of the school administration and culture strongly affected substitute teachers' socialization process. Fourthly, as for interpersonal relationships, substitute teachers usually had more interactions with other substitute teachers because of their same status at the schools. Fifthly, when substitute teachers encountered difficulties, they had three attitudes: neglect, negotiation, and adaptation. Finally, due to the short term of service and unequal status, substitute teachers would not actively participate in school affairs. At the self-management stage, as for the role of self-identification, some of the substitute teachers always felt that their status was lower while others hold positive self-images for themselves and strived for their identity According to the abovementioned research findings, implications for school management, substitute teachers, and government are provided as follow. First, schools can design different types of socialization processes based upon a variety of substitute teachers’types and years of teaching experience to serve their individual needs. Secondly, for schools in remote areas, the optimal allocations of limited resources and alliance with other schools may promote the substitute teacher socialization programs or related activities. Thirdly, it is recommended that schools can build up a “learning-oriented” organizational environment which enables substitute teachers to have good interactions with other school members and learning experience for their professional development. Fourthly, formal teachers should pay appropriate respect and give more recognition to substitute teachers. Strengthening their relationships with substitute teachers is important for their socialization. Fifthly, substitute teachers can confront the difficulties with an optimistic attitude, and make efforts to prove themselves competent for teaching and administration. Finally, the government policymakers should outline a comprehensive and foreseeable plan on substitute teaching policy and regulation. Promotion of their status would enable them to cultivate more cohesion towards their schools. Key words: substitute teachers, teacher socialization, organizational socialization, qualitative research.




