  • 學位論文


The Study on School Safe Management System in Japan Elementary School:Case of Ikeda Elementary School Attached to Osaka Kyoiku University

指導教授 : 楊武勳


2014年10月30日臺北市興雅國小發生校園挾持學童案,另2015年5月29日臺北市文化國小一名8歲女童,遭校外男子持刀割喉且不幸身亡。該二起案件是臺北市近二年多來所發生的重大校園安全危機事件,不僅震驚了社會,也再次引起大眾對校園安全及危機管理的高度關注。2001年6月8日日本大阪池田小學也發生一起歹徒進入校園持刀隨機砍人事件,並殺死8位學生,以及刺傷13名學生和2位教師。這起事件同樣震驚了當時的日本政府及社會,日本政府及池田小學及更於該事件發生後痛定思痛,在針對校園安全維護及管理上進行許多積極性的改革與作為,其做法值得我國借鑑及參考。 「沒有安全的學校,學習就不可能發生」,學校及政府對校園重大危機事件的因應及校園安全管理值得高度的重視。因此,本研究目的在於探討日本在該事件發生前之校園安全法令及政策;而在該危機事件發生一段時間之後,日本在推動國小校園安全管理上的策略及做法上,在中央政府及學校層級有何改變,以作為我國之借鑑及參考;並以文件分析法及半結構訪談法進行研究,研究結論發現日本政府在事件過後,其法令修改、第1次及第2次學校安全計畫的頒布對日本校園安全管理有著重大的影響;池田小學在事件後所採取的校園硬體建築整體改建、防犯設施設備的充實、師生安全教育的加強及警衛及社區人力的充實方面,可作為我國校園安全管理策略之參考。


On October 30, 2014, a student hostage case occurred in Taipei Xing Ya elementary school, Taiwan. On May 29, 2015, in Taipei Wen Hua elementary school, an 8 year-old girl student’s throat was cut with a knife by the criminal. The criminal burst into the school after class dismiss and killed the girl in the toilet. These two cases were famous campus security crises in the past year which occurred in Taipei City. They not only shocked the Taiwan society, but also again aroused public attention on campus safety and crisis management issues. On June 8, 2001, in Ikeda elementary school, Osaka, Japan also occurred a random murder. The criminal entered the campus with a knife and killed 8 students, stabbed 13 students and 2 teachers. This incident also shocked Japanese government and society. Japan government and Ikeda elementary school decided to enhance the security for campus maintenance and management and take many positive reforms after the incident. “No safe school, no learning.” Therefore, it deserves high priority that schools and government pay much attention to the campus security management of major crises. Therefore, this study explored Japan’s school safety management laws and policies before incident. Besides, after the incident occurred a period of time, the school and Japanese government promoted what policies and practices in school safety management, and what policy amendents have been done. This study also explored campus safety management strategy in Japan and provided useful information for Taiwan. This study used document analysis and semi-structured interview method. The conclusions are that, after the incident, Japanese government revised the law and promulgated the first and second school security program. Those had a significant influence on all of schools. Besides, Ikeda Elementary School had changed overall campus building, enriched anti-crime facilities and equipment, strengthened teachers and students’ security education and enriched security and community manpower, and those can be used as a reference to our school safety management strategy.


社會中心(2015年5月29日)。北市文化國小女童遭割喉 心跳已恢復昏迷指數3。今日新聞。取自http://www.nownews.com/n/2015/05/29 /1705519。
李協京(2010年6月13日)。如何構築校園安全防線之三:日本 維護兒童安全人人有責。台灣立報,9版。
