  • 學位論文


Low Intrusive In-image Text Overlay Based on Saliency Cut and Computational Aesthetics

指導教授 : 洪政欣


視覺美學在使用者介面和產品設計上是一個重要的觀點 (Liu, 2003) ,尤其是在人機介面設計上,近年來許多的研究致力於調查當所有的使用者在與電腦系統互動時,人機介面美感產生的影響。雖然介面美感鏈結至系統合用性的確切機制尚不完全清楚,但是美感在人機介面設計的重要性無疑地已經被清楚證實以及受到越來越多的關注。 本論文主要考慮在一個大尺寸的背景圖片中放置一段文字的圖文影像美感,應用圖文影像介面通常是強調圖像設計的多媒體應用,這類應用透過挑選的背景圖片去產生適當的情境與美感效果。本論文主旨在定量分析圖文影像的視覺美學,自動計算出疊加文字最佳的段落分割和定位方式。我們首先發展出在圖文影像中留白空間和視覺平衡的計算模型,並且實驗驗證留白空間和美感的相關性,論文進而發展出一種強韌的顯著區域切割技術來判斷圖像中合適放文字的背景區域。基於這些結果,我們已經實作出一個合成圖文影像的智慧型系統,這個系統會自動地計算給定圖像組的最佳留白空間,據以將輸入的文字分割成一連串的段落,然後在各圖片中選出擺放此一片段文字最佳的位置,如此一來,最後的空白區塊及平均視覺平衡值是最佳的。從我們的雛型系統所得到的初步結果顯示出相當具有發展潛力的。


Visual aesthetics is an important aspect in user interface and product design (Liu, 2003). Specifically for the design of computer interfaces, much research has recently been devoted to investigate the impact of interface aesthetics on the overall user experiences when interacting with a computer system. Although the exact mechanisms that link aesthetics and system usability are not yet fully clear, the importance of aesthetics in system interface design has certainly been more clearly demonstrated and received increased attention. This thesis considers the aesthetics of in-image text overlay which consists of a large-size background image with a paragraph of texts overlaid on it. Applications using text-overlaid image interface typically are graphic-intensive multimedia applications that attempt to use the background image to generate appropriate aesthetic effects. This thesis aims to quantitatively analyze the visual aesthetics of text-overlaid image such that an optimal way to partition and position the overlaying texts can be computed automatically. We first developed computational models for white-space fractions and visual balances for text-overlaid images. The relationship between the white-space and the aesthetic appeal was experimentally investigated. A robust technique adapting from saliency cut techniques for detecting the background region of an image on which the texts should be overlaid was developed. Based on these results, we have implemented an intelligent system for composing text-overlaid images. The system automatically partitions the input texts to a sequence of paragraphs and then chooses the optimal position in a given photo for each partitioned paragraph such that the final white-space fraction and average visual balance is optimized. The results obtained by our prototype system show a promising future.


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