  • 學位論文

台灣中年男性性別角色衝突、 心理困擾與求助態度關係之研究

A Study on the Relationship among Gender Role Conflict, Psychological Distress and Help-Seeking Attitude of Middle-Aged Males in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張玉茹


本研究旨在探討現今台灣中年男性在男性性別角色衝突、心理困擾與求助態度的關係。研究工具包括「男性性別角色衝突量表」、「心理困擾量表」以及「求助態度量表」;透過問卷調查,共蒐集745份台灣35-55歲中年男性的有效問卷。依據蒐集的問卷資料,以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、逐步多元迴歸進行分析。本研究主要發現如下: 一、 台灣中年男性性別角色衝突為中等程度,心理困擾程度為輕度困擾,對於求助專業諮商的態度看法,在不確定到有點同意之間觀望。 二、 在男性性別角色衝突量表部分,年紀最大的51-55歲「男性的性別角色衝突」及「工作與家庭關係間的衝突」皆小於其他年輕組別。「碩博士」學歷男性在性別角色衝突各構面的衝突程度皆小於「高中職/五專以下」及「大學」學歷的男性。月收入最高的兩個組別,80001-100000元及100001元以上的男性,其性別角色衝突程度皆小於其他收入較低的組別。「無親密伴侶的男性」,其「情緒性的自我設限」衝突程度大於「有親密伴侶的男性」。從事教育、心理、社會福利及藝術人文的男性,在「成功、權力及競爭」及「工作與家庭關係間的衝突」構面,衝突程度顯著小於從事自然科學、數學、商業及工程的男性。 三、 在心理困擾方面,年紀最輕的35-40歲男性的困擾程度皆大於其他年齡較高的組別。教育程度為「大學」的男性,「生理慮病」程度小於「高中職/五專以下」及「碩博士」學歷的男性。月收入最高的「100001元以上」的男性,其心理困擾、憂鬱、生理慮病、焦慮等4個構面的困擾程度皆大於其他月收入較低的組別。有親密伴侶的男性在心理困擾、憂鬱、焦慮及人際敵意上,其困擾程度小於無伴侶的男性。未婚的中年男性,其焦慮程度大於已婚男性。從事「教育領域」工作的男性,心理困擾程度皆小於其他工作領域的男性。 四、 不同背景的台灣中年男性在求助態度上,其「年齡」、「教育程度」、「有無親密伴侶」及不同「婚姻現況」等背景變項皆無顯著差異。只有在「教育領域」工作的男性,其對求助專業諮商的態度不如在「心理、行為科學及社會福利領域」領域工作的男性積極和正向。 五、 台灣中年男性性別角色衝突與求助態度沒有顯著相關,只有在「情緒性的自我設限」構面,與求助態度有顯著負相關,其相關程度為中等程度;而「成功、權力及競爭」構面,雖與求助態度有顯著正相關,但其關聯程度非常低。 六、 台灣中年男性在「心理困擾」各構面與「求助態度」有顯著負相關,在關聯程度上,兩者之間是中度相關。 七、 台灣中年男性,其高、中、低的「性別角色衝突」,在「求助態度問卷」的表現上沒有顯著差異。心理困擾程度為「低困擾」的男性在「求助態度量表」的表現較「中困擾」及「高困擾」的男性正向。 八、 「情緒性的自我設限」、「成功、權力及競爭」、「男性間情感行為的自我設限」,以及「心理困擾問卷」,對「求助態度」具有顯著的預測力,共可解釋7.3%的變異量。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between gender role conflict ,psychological distress and help-seeking attitude in middle-aged males in Taiwan. For the empirical study, three questionnaires are included: (1) The Male Gender Role Conflict Scale (MGRC) (2) Psychological Distress Scale (3) Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help Scale-Short (ATSPPH-SF). Through questionnaire survey, a total of 745 valid questionnaires for middle-aged men aged 35-55 in Taiwan were collected. Data are analyzed by descriptive statistics , t-test, oneway ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The main findings of this study are as follows: 1. The gender role conflicts of middle-aged men in Taiwan are moderate, the degree of psychological distress is mildly distressed, and the attitude towards seeking professional consultation is to wait and see between being uncertain and agreeing a little. 2. In The Male Gender Role Conflict Scale (MGRC), the gender conflicts between the oldest 51-55-year-old men and the conflicts between work and family relationships are smaller than those of other young groups. The "Master's and PhD" qualifications of males in the gender role conflicts subscales are less than the "high school " and "university" qualifications. The two groups with the highest monthly income, NT$ 80001 to NT$ 100000 and above NT$ 100001, have less gender role conflicts than other groups with lower incomes. Men with no intimate partners have a more "Restricted Emotionality" conflict than men with intimate partners. Men who are engaged in education, psychology, social welfare and artistic humanities have a significantly less conflict in terms of "success, power and competition" and " work-family relationship conflict " than men engaged in natural sciences, mathematics, business and engineering. 3. In terms of psychological distress, the youngest 35-40 year old males are more troubled than other older age groups. Men with "University" qualifications, males with "physiological considerations" less than "high school" and "master's and doctoral degrees". The men with the highest monthly income of more than NT$10,000 are more troubled by the four facets of psychological distress, depression, physical anxiety and anxiety than other groups with lower monthly income. Men with intimate partners are less troubled by psychological distress, depression, anxiety and interpersonal hostility than men without partners. Unmarried middle-aged men are more anxious than married men. Men who work in the "educational field" have less psychological distress than men in other fields of work. 4. There are no significant differences in background variables such as "age", "educational level", "with or without intimate partner" and different "marriage status" among the middle-aged men of different backgrounds in the "Helping Attitudes Scale"(ATSPPH-SF). Men who work in the "educational field" are not as positive and positive as men in the field of "psychological, behavioral science and social welfare". 5. Taiwanese middle-aged men have no significant correlation between "The Male Gender Role Conflict Scale "and "Helping Attitudes Scale"(ATSPPH-SF). Only in the " Restricted Emotionality " facet, there is a significant negative correlation with the help-seeking attitude, and the degree of correlation is moderate. The "success, power and competition" facet has a significant positive correlation with the attitude of help, but its degree of association is very low. 6. Taiwanese middle-aged men have a significant negative correlation with the " Helping Attitudes Scale " (ATSPPH-SF). in the "psychological distress" subscales. In terms of relevance, the two are moderately related. 7. There was no significant difference in the performance of the "Helping Attitudes Scale"(ATSPPH-SF). between the high, middle and low "gender role conflicts" of middle-aged men in Taiwan. Men with a lower level of psychological distress are more likely to be in a modest attitude towards help-seeking than those who are "moderately troubled" and "highly troubled". 8. " Restricted Emotionality ", "success, power and competition", " Restricted Affectionate Behavior Between Men ", and " psychological distress " have significant predictive power for "help-seeking attitudes".


內政部戶政司(2017)。初婚者之年齡平均數。下載自: https://www.gender.ey.gov.tw/gecdb/Stat_Statistics_DetailData.aspx?sn=aeFG0R2tHwmrDtITC%2fJSaA%3d%3d&d=m9ww9odNZAz2Rc5Ooj%2fwIQ%3d%3d
