  • 學位論文


Review of Ecotourism

指導教授 : 黃俊哲




Tourism flourished, bringing a large number of tourists and tourism revenue into tourist destination, but also changed the nearby tourist-related industries, local life and economic patterns, so people from the increasing emphasis on tourism ecological maintenance. In this study, the impact of eco-tourism in recent years, the development of the situation, problems and shortcomings, find out the need to improve or unsuitable places.Through analyzing the trends, inferences explore past issues of eco-tourism in recent years, dropped the reasons may be that old question has been in a state of saturation, followed by other aspects of research topics tend to develop new research directions;, or probably because of eco-tourism the development of fast growth, but its definition but people do not understand or related regulations, leading eco-tourism become a marketing slogan, which led to the public's confidence in the ecological tourism, eco-tourism development is limited, and so the negative impact. Therefore recommended that future research and extension needs to devote more attention to educational level, and then with the implementation of eco-tourism so that it can be more smoothly.


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