  • 學位論文


A study of elementary school principals of lifelong learning course and its impact

指導教授 : 吳明烈


摘 要 本研究旨在探討國民小學校長學習歷程及其影響,研究目的在於瞭解國民小學校長投入終身學習的動機、探討國民小學校長終身學習過程的方法、分析國民小學校長終身學習遭遇的困境及因應策略,以及探討國民小學校長投入終身學習對個人及學校的影響。 為達成研究目的,本研究採用質性研究立意抽樣的半結構式訪談,篩選七位長期認真投入終身學習的國民小學校長為訪談對象,根據文獻探討、訪談資料所作的分析整理,本研究獲致五項結論: 一、國民小學校長終身學習之學習動機涵蓋認知學習、社會適應及工作職能三面向,以工作職能面向為最。 二、國民小學校長終身學習過程的學習管道與方式多元且彈性,以非正式學習為主,強調個人取向且重視學習者自我導向。 三、積極尋求外力支援及經費補助克服結構或情境的障礙、調整場地並改變進行方式克服機構的障礙、善用溝通策略及努力進修研習克服意向的障礙。 四、國民小學校長終身學習有助於增進個人的包容心與圓融力、擴展人際關係與豐厚人脈、精進各領域能力及促進自我實現與提升生命精采度。 五、國民小學校長終身學習可裨益學校溝通協調更順暢和諧、培養學生多元才藝與學習專注力、型塑團隊學習的組織氛圍、獲得家長肯定與支持及提升學校效能與有效行銷學校。 最後,本研究依據研究結果,針對縣政府教育處、國民小學校長以及後續研究等三方面提出多項建議。 關鍵詞:國民小學校長、終身學習、終身學習歷程


Abstract The main purpose of this research is to discuss the learning course and its influence of principals in elementary school. The research aims to focus on their initiative motivation, studying methods, predicaments and solution strategies, and effects on individuals and schools of lifelong learning. To reach the purpose, a qualitative research method and semi-structured interview were applied in this study. Study subjects, seven elementary school principals dedicating to lifelong learning, were selected by purposive sampling. The results come to five conclusions that: 1. The initiative motivation of elementary school principals can be divided into three phrases: cognitive learning, social adjustment and job function, which job function matters the most. 2. The studying methods of elementary school principals are varied, usually the informal method. Further, lifelong learning requires individual and self-oriented motivation. 3. When met predicaments, elementary school principals’ use different solution strategies as, seeking external supports and fundraising positively to overcome the structural and situational obstacles, arranging the place and agenda to conquer the institutional barriers, and using communication strategy and to overcome the intentional difficulties. 4. The effects of elementary school principals dedicating to lifelong learning on individuals include the increase on comprehensive and social abilities, improvement of interpersonal relationships, enhancement on professional competence, achievement of self-actualization, and assurance of brighter life. 5. The effects of elementary school principals dedicating to lifelong learning on schools contain the smoother communication among school colleagues, cultivation of student’s diverse skills and concentration, building the atmosphere of team learning, affirmation and support from students’ parents, empowerment of school authority and advertisement of school image. In the end, the research provides some advices for Education administration authority, elementary school principals, and follow-up researchers. Key words: elementary school principals, lifelong learning, lifelong learning course


