  • 學位論文


Investigation of the Politician's Self-Media Operations and the Influence

指導教授 : 陳小芬


近年來公民意識的覺醒,人們以充份且平等參與的方式,去決定集體的事務(如:投票)。因此,對於政治人物而言,民眾對於政治人物的態度是值得關心與思考的。然而民眾「對政治的興趣」及「對社群的興趣」是影響其對政治人物態度的前因面向。因此,本研究擬以有觀看或關注政治人物的社群平台之民眾為研究對象,探討其「對政治的興趣(包含,認同、涉入)」、「對社群的興趣(包含,認同及參與)」、「態度」及「支持」間的關係。 本研究採封閉式問卷調查法,針對有觀看或關注政治人物的社群平台之民眾作為研究對象,以Google表單來製作網路問卷,透過Google表單問卷的連結發放至討論台灣政治相關議題之社團,而裡面包括藍、綠以及無色彩政黨的成員都有,另外,也分享至Line群組、請親朋好友幫忙轉發等。本研究正式問卷於2019/12/16至2019/12/30發放,總共回收488份,有效問卷340份。研究結果發現:(1)「對政治人物的認同」會正向影響「對社群的認同」;「對政治人物的涉入」會正向影響「對社群的參與」。(2)「對政治人物的認同」及「對政治人物的涉入」皆會正向影響「態度」(3) 「對政治人物的認同」對「支持度」無顯著影響;「對政治人物的涉入」會正向影響「支持度」。(4)「對社群的認同」會正向影響「態度」;「對社群的參與」對「態度」無顯著影響。(5)「對社群的認同」及「對社群的參與」皆會正向影響「支持度」。(6)「態度」會正向影響「支持度」。 最後,希望研究結果在學術方面能提供政治人物態度相關研究之實證貢獻;在管理實務方面,則希望做為政治人物經營社群網站之參考,進而提升民眾對其之態度,以影響對其之支持度。


In recent years, the awakening of civic awareness has led people to decide collective affairs (such as voting) in a full and equal way. Therefore, the people's attitude towards politicians is worthy of concern and reflection for politicians. However, the public's “politician Interest” and “community Interest” are the antecedents of their attitudes towards politicians. Therefore, this study intends to take the people who has watched or followed the social platforms of political figures as the research object, and explore its "politician Interest (including, identification, involvement)", "community Interest (including, Identification and engagement) "," attitude "and" support ". This research adopts a closed questionnaire survey method. For people who have watched or followed political people's social platforms as the research object, Google forms are used to create online questionnaires. The links to the Google form questionnaires are distributed to groups discussing issues related to Taiwan ’s politics , Which includes members of blue, green, and colorless parties. In addition, it is also shared to the Line group, please ask friends and family to help forward. In this study, the formal questionnaire on 2019/12/16 to 2019/12/30 survey a total recovery of 488 valid questionnaires 340 copies. The research results found that: (1) "Politician identification" will positively affect "Community identification "; "Politician involvement" will positively affect "Community engagement". (2) "Politician identification" and "Politician involvement " will positively affect "Attitude".(3) "Politician identification" to "Support" no significant impact; "Politician involvement" will positively affect "Support".(4) "Community identification" will positively affect "Attitude"; "Community engagement" to "Attitude" no significant impact.(5) "Community identification" and "Community engagement" will positively affect "Support". (6) "Attitude" will positively affect "Support". Finally, I hope that the results of the study will provide empirical contributions to the research on attitudes of politicians; In terms of management practice, it is hoped that it will serve as a reference for politicians to run social networking sites, and then increase the people's attitude towards it, in order to affect their support.


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