  • 學位論文


From the Politics to the Academic: on Xu Fukuan's writing of the Intellectual History and its Meaning

指導教授 : 黃錦樹


徐復觀一生經歷複雜,先從軍後致力學術研究。曾留學日本,就讀明治大學學習經濟,後轉入陸軍士官學校。介入政治甚深,有感現實層面的困境,開啟學術與寫作之路,尋找精神層面的解決之道。對於民國政權的合法化危機、現代性焦慮,以及傳統中國思想的嚮往與檢討,構成徐復觀發展新儒學的動因。 徐復觀特別重視兩漢思想,兩漢思想並非中國傳統思想領域的研究主流。以及,創辦《民主評論》、轉化儒學思想的宗教性理論、發展人文精神,這些議題實際上都是在回應民國的合法化危機問題。在戒嚴時期敢言能言,學術上具備突破現有研究視野的眼光;有許多跨領域的研究成果,並在學術場域中引發或參與論戰。看似「不合時宜」與「好戰善戰」的選擇,構成徐復觀個案帶來的南渡問題。 本文將徐復觀南渡來台的生命歷程問題化,討論徐復觀作為新儒家的代表人物之一,如何佔據特殊的場域定位。處理一九四九年以後徐復觀思想的形成及其特徵,釐清徐復觀在學術史的論述位置。


徐復觀 新儒家 1949 思想史


Serving in the military and then joining the academy, Xu Fukuan had led a complicated intellectual life. Once studying economics at Meji University, and then he attended Imperial Japanese Army Academy. Later, as Xu Fukuan got involved more in the politics, the plight of his time urged him to devote into the intellectual and philosophical searching. The legitimate crisis of the Nationalist government, the anxiety of the modernity, and the reflection on the Chinese philosophy, constructed the core motivation of Xu Fukuan's new Confucianism. In his academic discourse, Xu Fukuan has especially focused on the Han Dynasty philosophy, which has not always been considered as the main stream of the traditional Chinese philosophy studies. In addition, Xu Fukuan established Democratic Critics, converted religious theory of the Confucianism, and developed the spirit of humanity. What Xu Fukuan intended to exert is to respond to the legitimacy crisis of the Republic. Daring to be expressive during the Martial Law era, achieving inter-disciplinary outcomes, and launching debates on the academic fields, Xu Fukuan's has become a stark case in the south bounding exile contexts since 1949. This dissertation aims to problematize Xu Fukuan's diasporic experience and to discuss how he occupied a specific position on the discursive field as a representative figure of the new Confucianism. And attempt to deal with the characteristics and construction of Xu Fukuan's thinking since after 1949, in order to observe Xu's discursive position in the intellectual history.


Xu Fukuan New Confucianism 1949 Intellectual history


