  • 學位論文


Phenomenon of Text and Vocabulary at Contract Documents in Taiwan:Study of "Da Taibei gu qi zi ji"

指導教授 : 陳美蘭
共同指導教授 : 季旭昇


本研究是以臺灣古契約文書中的「字」、「詞」現象為研究主題,研究範圍限定在《大臺北古契字集》康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝年間的契書,探討臺灣古契約文書中的字詞應用現象。由於現代學者多關注古文書在社會、文化、經濟等層面的意義,鮮少留心古文書本身的語言文字現象,因此,本論文希望能夠以有系統的方式,對於古契約文書中的用字、詞語現象加以分類詮釋。 首先,針對用字的部分,筆者梳理完材料後整理出文字現象的分類,以「異體字」及「通假字」兩大文字常見現象來做探討,詳述其造字法則後,挑出契約中常見幾例說明。「異體字」常見的幾種分類為:(一)省減、(二)增繁、(三)更換偏旁、(四)其他;「通假字」的部分,則是考察本字與通假字之間的關係。當代異體俗字特別氾濫,希望能藉由考察這些字的定位,確認其發展歷程。 其次,考察契約文書中的詞語,並歸納出契約文書類的格式,將「常用語」放入討論。透過常用詞語如「四址(至)」、「找洗」、「房親」、「二比」等傳遞出的訊息,反映出契約的性質內容。最後,根據《大臺北古契字集》的資料顯示,得知「字」、「詞」在其中的歷史演變與隱含意義。


契約 古文書 異體字 通假字 詞彙


This study takes the phenomenon of text and vocabulary in Taiwan ancient contract documents as the research topic, the study period covers the "Da Taibei gu qi zi ji" collection of Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong three dynasties of civil contract instruments, discuss the phenomenon of texts in Taiwan ancient contract documents. Because modern scholars pay more attention to the significance of the ancient covenant in social life, culture and economy, less attention to the ancient covenants of their own vocabulary and text, therefore, this study is intended to be systematically, for the ancient contract instruments in the text and vocabulary phenomenon to be classified interpretation. First, for the part of the text, the author combs the finished material after sorting out the classification of the phenomenon, to "Variant Chinese character" and "jiajiezi" two common phenomenon to do the discussion, after details of the rules of writing, there are several common examples of picking up a contract. There are several common categories of "Variant Chinese character": (A) reduction, (b) increase, (c) replacement radicals, (d) other; the part of the "jiajiezi" is the relationship between the text and the "jiajiezi". Contemporary variant text is particularly rampant, hope to be investigated at the positioning of these texts, to confirm its development process. Second, examine the texts in the contract documents, and summed up the contract file type, the "common language" into the discussion. Through the commonly used texts such as "four places (to)", "Zhaoxi", "Fangqin", "Erbi", reflecting the nature of the contract. Finally, according to the "Da Taibei gu qi zi ji" set of information, that text and vocabulary in which the historical evolution and implied meaning.


