  • 學位論文


A Study on the Service Program Design for Stray Dogs for the Elderly’s Companion

指導教授 : 蔡怡君


本研究以帶領犬隻服務人群的團體個人、救援送養的動保人士以及人群服務的社工師為研究對象,旨在探討以流浪犬成為高齡者陪伴犬服務方案設計,期藉受訪者犬隻與人群服務專業經驗轉移創新性高齡者陪伴犬服務方案初探。 本研究採質性研究深度訪談方式,訪談對象為帶領犬隻服務人群有3位、送養經驗3位、服務人群社工師3位,其中1位同時具備帶領犬隻服務人群及送養經驗;8位受訪者本身養狗的資歷皆相當資深,從13年到30年,都有10年以上與狗相處的經驗,其中有四位與狗相處經驗是20年以上;受訪者工作年資,從6年到25年不等,其中七位具備10年以上資歷,受訪者平均工作年資為18年。透過8位受訪者的專業工作經驗分享,以瞭解國內以犬隻服務人群模式、高齡者領養流浪犬優缺點以及高齡者陪伴犬服務方案設計,根據研究發現,歸納出結論如下: 一、國內以犬隻服務人群模式,有陪伴活動、復健治療與生命教育宣導,犬隻服務人群有其優勢,也有其限制及需克服之處,服務須特別關注人類與犬隻雙方福祉。 二、流浪犬成為高齡者陪伴犬,帶給高齡者正向情緒提升、被需要、有能感、溫 暖陪伴以及帶來身體健康等心理生理陪伴力量,唯須正視流浪犬成為陪伴犬的變數考量,如流浪犬個性穩定度、身體健康等因素。 三、高齡者陪伴犬服務方案導入前,在人力財力與物力上都需具基本備雛型,犬 隻前置作業有流浪犬來源、流浪犬需要訓練以及評估篩選三項,同時高齡者申請服務前必須居家訪視作為媒合配對的評估。 四、高齡者陪伴犬服務方案執行過程中,可能面臨人與經費資源短缺,媒合配對 後需定期追蹤人犬適應,關注犬隻權益,同時提供高齡者交流聚會的支持團體以穩定服務品質。 五、高齡者陪伴犬服務穩定後,需規劃創新性活動再創服務價值,協助高齡者從 服務使用者成為志工提供服務者或有價服務者,提升其社會參與機會,同時機構須正視高齡者與陪伴犬老去失落議題輔導機制以及犬隻後續安養議題。 最後,本研究根據上述研究結果,針對高齡者陪伴犬服務方案之運作及未來相關研究等方面提出建議。


流浪犬 高齡者 陪伴犬 服務方案


The targets of this research base on 3 groups: individuals who lead dogs to serve the crowd, zoophilists and social workers who serve people. It is mainly to explore the design of service plan by means of putting stray dogs as elderly companion dog, and to preliminarily explore the shift of the professional experiences of companion dog service program from crowd- to elderly people-oriented. This research adopts qualitative interview in depth. The interview objects include 3 persons who lead dogs to serve people, 3 persons who have experience of placing-out dog for adoption, and 3 social workers who serve people (one of which has both experience in leading dogs to serve people and place-out dog for adoption at the same time). These 8 interviewees are all experienced in raising dogs, they all have more than 10 years of experience with dogs, ranging from 13 to 30 years. Particularly, four of them have more than 20 years of experience with dogs. The working experience of the interviewees ranges from 6 to 25 years, with average 18 years, and seven of them have more than 10 years. The purpose of this work is to understand the model of dogs-serving-people and the pros/cons of adopting stray dogs for elderly people companion dogs from the professional working experience of the 8 interviewees. According to our study, we have the following conclusions: 1. The domestic model of dogs-serving-people includes companion activities, rehabilitation treatment and life education propaganda. Dogs-serving-people not only has its unique advantage, but also has its own limitation to overcome. Special attention is required to pay on the welfare of both human and dogs. 2. Stray dogs serve as companion dogs, bringing warm companionship, positive emotions, the sense of being needed, and the physical health and psychological companionship strengths to the elderly. However, we still need to consider other factors, such as stray dogs’ psychological stability and physical health, etc. 3. Before introducing the companion dog service program for the elderly, it is necessary to have adequate human, financial, and material resources. The preparation work includes evaluating the source of stray dog, stray dog training program, and the assessment/screening. Before elderly applying for the service, home-visit is also necessary for the evaluation of pair matching. 4. During the implementation of the companion dog service program for the elderly, there is a possibility of shortage of human and financial resources. After the pair matching, it is necessary to regularly trace the adaptation of human-dogs, to pay attention to the rights of dogs, and to initiate elderly communication group for stabilizing service quality. 5. After the service of companion dogs for the elderly is stabilized, it is necessary to plan innovative activities to build a further service value --- supporting the role of elderly changing from passive service users to active volunteers of service program or valuable service providers. This enhances their social participation opportunities. At the same time, institutions must face up to the counseling mechanism for the elderly dealing with companion dog’s death and companion dog’s consequent rehabilitation issues. Finally, based on the above research results, we draw conclusions about the proposal of the operation of companion dog service program for the elderly and the suggestions of the related research in the future.


江珮儀(2004)。應用寵物治療於護理之家之經驗分享。長期照護雜誌,8(2), 118-124。
