  • 學位論文


The Bodily Self of Integrity: A Construction against and with the Prosthesis in Marie Cardinal’s The Words to Say It

指導教授 : 李政展


本論文以假體的角度詮釋並探討瑪麗•卡迪娜《無以名之》中女主述者如何利用體內那股無法命名的力量(the Thing)來建構自我完整的樣貌,同時闡述象徵秩序中假體之於人類的必要性。論文第一章從克莉絲蒂娃的理論出發,強調人類原初的失落源自於與母體的斷絕,說明這樣的個體如何在象徵秩序中以假體來彌補自身的缺憾,《無以名之》中的女主述者在父親缺席的情況之下,認知自我與母親的斷絕便是她從抗拒轉為接受假體的關鍵。第二章將主述者對於觀看之眼 (the eye)的描述與佛洛伊德所說的超我(the superego)並置,討論 the Thing所蘊含的滲透力和模糊他我疆界的假體特質,並說明女主述者如何內化外在規範而學會以觀看之眼來檢視自己。第三章挪用大衛•威爾斯的文字與身體的互補論述,討論主述者如何利用文字,亦即象徵假體,重述個人身體歷史,並在文本中重現子宮空間,使其得以重獲新生。最後,《無以名之》中的女主述者利用假體的力量重回象徵秩序的同時,其體內無法被化約的the Thing也挑戰了象徵秩序的威權。


This thesis aims to study Marie Cardinal’s The Words to Say It from the perspective of prosthesis and goes further to interpret how the narrator uses the prosthetic characteristics of the Thing to construct her bodily self of integrity in the symbolic order. Chapter one starts with Julia Kristeva’s statement of the loss of signifier to emphasize the psychological deficiency caused by the rupture from mother and the necessary complement of prosthesis. The female narrator’s changing attitude toward the Thing is the key point for her to recognize her deficient situation and the need for prosthesis. Chapter two juxtaposes the narrator’s description of the eye and the superego to show the compulsive and boundary-blurring power of the Thing. When the narrator is used to examining herself with the external rules, the internalization of the eye has already occurred. Chapter three adopts David Wills’ notion of complicity between body and word to discuss how the narrator uses words, i.e. the symbolic prosthesis, to retell the history of her body. She also constructs a textual womb from which she is reborn as a new self. In conclusion, when she finally reenters the symbolic order, the unnamable Thing within her body also challenges the authority of the symbolic.


Works Cited
Alcorn, Marshall W. Narcissism and the Literary Libido: Rhetoric, Text, and Subjectivity. New York: New York UP, 1994.
Barzilai, Shuli. “Borders of Language: Kristeva’s Critique of Lacan.” MLA 106.2 (1991): 294-305.
Beauvoir, Simone de. The Second Sex. Ed. and trans. H, M. Parshley. New York: Penguin Books, 1972.
Belsey, Catherine. “Constructing the Subject: Deconstructing the Text.” Contemporary Literary Criticism: Literary and Cultural Studies. 4th ed. Ed. Robert Con Davis and Ronald Schleifer. New York: Longman, 1998. 377-92.
