  • 學位論文


The Study of Protection of Choice of Occupation for People with Criminal Record - Focusing on Permanent Restriction

指導教授 : 李玉君


本文旨在探討「有刑事紀錄者」於職業選擇時所受到各職業法規之職業選擇自由限制。自司法院作成釋字第584號解釋,承認了職業法規中對於從業者之道德規範─犯罪紀錄,有正當之理由限制有特定犯罪紀錄者進入職場,而限制年限從2年、3年至5年、10年不等,更甚者有終生不得進入特定職業之限制,嚴重限制欲從業者之工作權。 為整體檢視我國職業法規對於有犯罪前科者之職業選擇限制,本文蒐集各法規中對於道德面向之就業限制,並將其歸納為三類:犯罪類型與所限制職業相關之終生限制、犯罪類型與所限制職業無關之終生限制與非終生之職業限制。 德國威瑪憲法首度將工作權列入憲法保障範圍,並發展出工作權保障之理論─三階段理論,將工作權之限制範圍進行三階段之審查;美國對於平等權之發展由來已早,從二階理論逐步發展成三階理論,本文借鏡德國以及美國之司法審查方式,並輔以「滑動尺度理論」於各審查密度中進行調控,嘗試貼近我國就業法制之現實。 以所設立之審查標準對三種限制型態進行檢視,本文認為「犯罪類型與所限制職業無關之終生限制」未能通過比例原則以及平等原則之檢視,有違憲之虞,應重新檢討;且各職業法規亦於輕率地對有犯罪紀錄者設立門檻,鮮少考慮該犯罪行為與該職業之關聯性是否緊密,此亦須進行全面的審查。


The study mainly discusses the job seekers and/or employees with criminal records who are restricted to the regulation of occupations. After Judicial Yuan made the interpretation of No. 584, it acknowledges the legitimacy of regulations of occupations to forbid the job seekers and/or employees with criminal records from getting the job. The age limit of the restriction may be 2, 3, 5 to 10 years, or even permanent, which hampering human right severely. In order to examine the restriction of occupations in Taiwan from a comprehensive perspective, the study collects the employment restrictions of regulations and classifies them into three categories. First, the permanent restrictions on the type of crime related to the restricted occupation. Second, the permanent restrictions which are not related to the restricted occupation. Third, the restrictions which are not permanent. In Germany, Weimar Constitution firstly put the right to work into the constitution, and developed the theory to protect it—Dreistufentheorie (theory of three stages). Early in United States, the equality right has developed from two-track to three stages theory. The study adopts the judicial review from Germany and United States as foundation, and supplemented by “The Sliding Scale Approach” to try to have a closer examination of the practice of judicial review in Taiwan. After scrutiny of the three categories of restrictions, the first category cannot pass the review of principle of equality and principle of proportionality. The result may violate the constitution and should be re-examined. Besides, most of the occupational regulations set restrictions carelessly to the job seekers and/or employees with criminal record. The regulations are also required to receive a comprehensive inspection because they rarely take the connection between the crime and occupation into consideration.


Christian Starck著,《法學、憲法法院審判權與基本權利》(Rechtswissenschaft Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit und Grundrechte),元照出版,2006年;初版。
