  • 學位論文


The Interdisciplinary Cooperation Experience of School-Based Counselor in Elementary School-a Reflection from the View Point of a Counselor

指導教授 : 蕭文


本研究之目的在探討具諮商背景之專業輔導員進駐國小跨專業合作的經驗,研究以受訪者主觀經驗為主,期待藉由本研究瞭解跨專業合作的經驗以及對於合作的反思,為未來諮商心理師進入國小校園工作的訓練提供建議。 本研究採質性研究取向,以立意取樣的方式邀請台中市四位專業輔導員為受訪者,並運用半結構式訪談法進行深入訪談,再蒐集資料進行統整分析歸納。 研究結果分成三部分進行討論獲得結論如下: 一、「專業輔導人員進駐國小校園之動機」:1.認同與發揮諮商專業是激勵諮商心理師進駐國小之原因 2.缺乏明確規準會影響諮商心理師進駐國小之意願。 二、「專業輔導人員與學校跨專業合作間之挑戰」:1.組織文化的潛規則對專業工作造成衝擊2.行政權力與專業間產生之衝突與競爭3.專業夥伴間之「爭奪地盤」4.學校成員合作上的衝突與競爭 三、「促成專業輔導人員與學校有效跨專業合作之因素」:1.彼此間建立相互依賴與信任感2.共同承諾以個案為中心提供服務3.展現專業可以增進校方認同。 經研究發現再提出「角色未定的學校邊緣人」、「從競合關係創造永續價值」、「專業輔導員跨專業合作過程的自我反思與覺察」三項議題進行綜合討論。 最後研究者根據研究結論提出實務工作與後續研究的建議與反思。


The purpose of this study is to explore the interdisciplinary cooperation experiences of school-based counselors with consultative background who had been stationed at elementary schools. Research is based on the respondents’ subjective experiences, and this study expects that by shedding light on interdisciplinary cooperation experiences and reflecting on the cooperation process, it can provide recommendations for the future training of counselor psychologists stationed on elementary school campuses. In this qualitative-oriented study, four school-based counselors from Taichung City were invited via a purposive sampling approach to serve as respondents. Semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted, from which data were collected for subsequent analysis and synthesis. Discussions of the study results are divided into three parts and their conclusions are as follows: 1.“Motivation of school-based counselors to station at elementary schools”: a) recognition and opportunity to display consultative expertise are reasons which motivate counselors to station at elementary schools; b) a lack of clear rules will affect the willingness of counselors with consultative experience to station at elementary schools. 2.“Interdisciplinary cooperation challenges between school-based counselors and schools”: a) unwritten rules in the school’s organizational culture have produced an impact upon professional work; b) there are conflicts and competition between administrative authority and professionalism; c) the existence of “turf wars” among professional colleagues; d) conflict and competition in cooperation among school members. 3.“Factors that facilitate effective interdisciplinary cooperation between school-based counselors and schools”: a) establishment of a sense of interdependence and mutual trust between one another; b) a shared commitment to provide services on a case-centered basis; c) display of professionalism can enhance recognition from schools. Based on the study’s findings, the issues of “marginalized persons with undetermined roles,” “from competition relationship to sustainable value creation,” and “self-reflection and perception of school-based counselors in the process of interdisciplinary cooperation” were discussed comprehensively. Finally, according to the study’s conclusions the author puts forward suggestions and reflections regarding practical work and follow-up research.


王以仁、吳芝儀、林明傑、黃財尉、陳慧女(譯)(2004)。學校輔導與諮商(原作者:Schmidt,J.J.)。嘉義:濤石。(原著出版年: 2004)
