  • 學位論文


The "Localization" Propagation of Yi-guan Dao in Thailand: Evangelist's Perspective

指導教授 : 陳佩修
共同指導教授 : 林榮澤(Jung-Tse Lin)


宗教在地化是宗教傳播的共同現象,傳道者作為宗教傳播的決策者,對宗教在 地化的影響深遠。1970 年傳入泰國的一貫道是宗教傳播史上,少數由華人傳道者主 導前往非華人地區進行傳道的個案,發展至今已有三千多間家庭佛堂以及數百間公 共佛堂,並且由在地傳道者主導前往周邊國家進行傳道,是一貫道在非華人地區的 在地化典範。 台灣一貫道各傳道組織於 1970 年至 1990 年陸續前往泰國傳道,截至 2000 年止 共有 24 個組線前往泰國傳道,由於各傳道組織的在地化發展不同,故本研究將以七 個主要「組線」為個案,透過「佛堂、組織、教育」指標,分析各組線的在地化發 展狀況,並透過傳道者視角探討在地化過程中,傳道者共同面對的問題與挑戰。本 研究關注的焦點在於傳道者如何適應與回應在地化,故本研究將以 99 位受訪者的訪 談稿與田野紀錄,呈現傳道者對於不同議題的多元觀點與決策,分析在地化過程中 組線與傳道者所帶來的影響,探討一貫道的在地化如何可能。


泰國 一貫道 在地化 傳道者 組線


The localization of religion is a common phenomenon in the religious propagation. As the decision makers in the development, evangelists have a profound influence in the localization of religion. Yi-guan Dao, a religion that has been introduced to Thailand since 1970, led by Chinese evangelists propagating to non-Chinese areas, is a special case in the history of religious propagation. So far, there are more than 3,000 family temples and hundreds of public temples of Thailand Yi-guan Dao. Their local Thai evangelists have also propagated to the surrounding countries, becoming a role model of Yi-guan Dao localization in non-Chinese areas. Taiwan Yi-guan Dao missionary organizations started to propagate to Thailand one after another from 1970’s to 1990’s. Up until the year of 2000, there had been 24 “group-lines” propagating in Thailand. Due to the different localization development of each missionary organization, this research will only focus on the main seven “group-lines" as study cases. Taking "temples, organizations, and educations" as indicators, this research analyzes the localization development status of every group-line; and through the perspective of the evangelists, it discusses their common issues and challenges in the process of localization. As this research emphasizes on how evangelists adapt and respond to the localization, it has collected 99 interviews of the evangelists. Through the interview drafts and field investigation records, it presents the evangelists different views and decisions upon various issues, and also analyzes the influences of the evangelists and its group-lines along the way of localization. All in all, this research is to explore how Yi-guan Dao localization is possible.


一、 中文部分
(一)、 田野資料:
2013 年寶光建德、發一天元長聖道場田野日記 2014 年發一崇德、發一靈隱道場田野日記 2015 年基礎忠恕、興毅南興道場田野日記 2016 年安東道場田野日記、採訪逐字稿
(二)、 道刊 1992,《慈慧聖母成道廿五周念紀念專刊》,高雄市:德理聖堂編製。 1997,《發一崇德泰國道場崇德佛院落成紀念特刊》,曼谷:崇德佛院。 1998,《道恩等公堂落成紀念特刊》,新北市:發一靈隱道恩道場。 2000,《發一崇德泰國道場二十週年慶專刊》,曼谷:崇德佛院。 2000,《一貫道興毅南興泰國宏德佛堂落成特刊》,曼谷:宏德佛堂。 2000,《發一天元長聖道場泰國開道十五周年紀念特刊》,曼谷:發一天元聖佛 宮。
