  • 學位論文


"With Words Shown Little Wise, Be Known She Would Not?" :The Life and Literary Activity of Lady Wang Ying (1781-1842), Qing Dynasty

指導教授 : 楊玉成


本文以生活在清中時期的閨秀汪嫈為研究目標,從個人生平、女性文學及社會文化三個層面切入,透過文化研究的視角,試圖呈現出一幅清女性的生活畫卷。   在這份畫卷中,可以看到女性不再僅只限制於閨房之中。生活於揚州的汪嫈,即便是婚後也能與師門同遊西湖;殆至汪嫈之夫程鼎調去世後,作為寡婦的汪嫈,一方面落入宗族社會的底層,恪守傳統保守的婦德祖訓;另一方面卻也婦代夫職、師職,使其內言能出閫外,在家族中成為特殊的存在。   而在文學上,汪嫈受到主流禮教的影響,以雅正詩教為創作宗旨。但她透過「以德御才」的方式,合理化女性的讀書與寫作。汪嫈的《雅安書屋文集》透露了女性書寫題材的擴大,女性不再只能寫詩,她們能寫傳、論、記等多種類別的散文,而〈諸葛公傳〉一文,除了使我們了解當時女性對諸葛亮的理解外,也說明了當時閱讀寫作上的多元化。這種多元化,究其原因,不只是文學思潮的改變,也是社會對女性態度的變化。   此外,筆者以「醫學」的角度切入,透過汪嫈對醫學的書寫,除了呈現出當時女性在興趣多樣化外,也說明了女性不再只能學習傳統的琴棋書畫。汪嫈的〈醫與政通論〉雖然在論點並不新穎,但以女性之手寫出,說明對當時的女性而言,她們的閱讀與書寫並無侷限。這在汪嫈的文集中更為明顯,諸如〈居官十則〉、〈畣本仁堂族人記〉、〈設義田義學議〉乃至〈喜聞禁鴉片烟記〉等散文,都說明了汪嫈不只對公共事務有所關注,也能為此發聲。透過汪嫈,我們更能理解清中期女性權力的變化,以及這群女性的聲音,如何從閨閣透出於公共領域之中。


閨秀 女性文學 揚州學派 公共領域 汪嫈


The thesis is a study of the works of Wang Ying(1677-1812) through the perspectives of the modern understandings in gender and culture studies. It begins with a more systematic review of the life the author and her cultural and historical context. It attempts to present a more realistic understanding of the historical background of the age in the woman’s world. Hence the reader will discover that apart from the domestic life portrayal which often appears in the literature of the period, it also shows the other activities partaken by the writer such as visits to the West Lake and the life of the writer as a widow. The writer had to assume a role that involves the running of secular affairs. Thus presenting a more varied vin of the truer vision of the place of woman in the Period.  Wang Ying literary aesthetics is based on the traditional Chinese moral values of Tao and De. Virtue is the supreme guide and ability is her servant. This provides Wang Ying’s main composition theme. In “Collection of the Ya-An Study” the reader begins to see the writer extending her vision to a more comprehensive field. Women can do more than writing poetry. Their interests cover biographies, origins, and commentaries. For instance, “The Biography of Zhuge Liang “shows that a literature that is marked by its variety and understanding. It reflects a subtle change in a society’s attitude toward the feminine sex.  The thesis writer also touches on the writings of Wang Ying that embraces the world of medicine. It shows a woman who is not just well versed in the traditional arts of Chin, Chess, Writing, and Painting. With her “Code of Conduct for Civil Service”, “Reply to Our Clan at Ben-Jen”, “Proposal for Providing Education and Agricultural lands” and “Approval to the Prohibition of Opium” is an example of the author’s participation in the world of public affairs, and an instance of such participation earlier than the common understanding of the awaken of feminine among the Opium War.


