  • 學位論文


National Security and Taiwan’s Southeast Asian Marriage Immigration Policy:the Preception and Practice of “Securing Management”

指導教授 : 陳佩修


在全球化的帶動下,國際間的移民人口勢將逐年增加,尤其隨著高齡化及少子化時代的來臨,渠等人口更將成為一國發展的重要資源,臺灣亦不例外。對一國發展而言,他們的加入雖可為國家帶來正面效益,然諸多危害國家的安全危機卻也伴隨而來。因此,為求國家安全以及永續發展,對移民人口採取適切的安全管理便有其必要性與重要性。 有鑒於臺灣移民人口結構,主要係以婚姻移民佔大宗,其中又以大陸配偶高居第一,東南亞籍婚姻移民名列第二;爰對渠等人口就政治、經濟、社會、軍事等多重面向施以國家層級的安全檢視,並進一步規劃制訂一套兼具法治管理精神與國家安全意識的移民政策,便有其必要性與急迫性。但綜觀臺灣學術現況,舉凡涉及國家安全的研究文獻多所著墨於大陸地區人民,尤其更以長久定居於臺灣的大陸配偶為主,至於東南亞籍婚姻移民則鮮少論述,而多以關懷面向的照顧輔導議題進行學術研析與政策建議,然此舉卻始終未能抹煞其對國家安全造成威脅之潛在疑慮,爰本論文將從非傳統安全角度視野,自東南亞籍婚姻移民在臺灣的發展脈絡以及現況生活進行分析,探究其對臺灣社會的潛在安全威脅以及當前移民政策因應的安全措施內容,進而論證敘明政府當局是如何透過婚姻移民政策的安全管理機制對東南亞籍婚姻移民落實國家安全思維。


With the fulfillment of globalization and global localization, the soaring immigrant population and its significance in changing sovereign states’ governance has been attracting extensive attentions worldwide. Moreover, with the deterioration of population aging and low birth rate in this century, immigrants play an important role in national security and development of many developed countries, and Taiwan is no exception. Immigrants do bring positive benefits for national development, however, hey are also accompanied with substantial crisis that threatens national security. Safeguarding national security and pursuing sustainable development, it is necessary and important to take security management in the context of immigration affairs. In the past decades we witnessed that Mainland Chinese spouses and Southeast Asian marriage immigrants being separately ranked the first and the second of the total immigrant population in Taiwan, it is crucial and no time to delay for the government to take a comprehensive and multilateral policy towards immigration affairs both in political and civil societies. In addition, reviewing the immigration-related academia in Taiwan,the academic society’s works on national security and immigration policy is almost on the people of mainland area, especially on the mainland Chinese spouses. The plural Southeast Asian immigration society in Taiwan is obviously neglected both in academic and policy-oriented research. Furthermore, academic research on Southeast Asian marriage immigrants almost focus on caring, assistance,and policy-related resolutions. But it doesn’t mean the Southeast Asian marriage immigrants wouldn’t have potential threats to national security. This research aims to: first, interpret the context and the current situation of Southeast Asian marriage immigrants in Taiwan, then to analyze what kind of the potential threats they would have to impact Taiwan’s society,as well as policy suggestions to Taiwan government regarding the threat prevention and securing management.


