  • 學位論文


Adventure Program to Promote Adult Learners’ Citizenship Development

指導教授 : 徐敏雄


本研究旨在以Dewey對公民素養之概念為出發,希望藉由探索教育方案與成人學習者公民素養之間關連性的釐清,而後透過相關探索方案與包容同理為首之公民素養關連性的探究,瞭解參與探索教育對學習者公民能力之間能有實質的助益之元素,建構探索教育之「公民素養」相關指標,為台灣成人公民教育提出另外一種可能途徑。研究結果歸納如下: 一、 探索教育方案具有提升公民素養之內涵 從研究的相關公民與探索教育文獻探討可得知,探索教育可提供直接參與之經驗,並且從冒險將經驗發散、經驗收斂及經驗印證的實際行動過程,不斷培養學習者當中專注思考、包容異己、虛心嘗試調整與回歸生活之能力,對於提升公民素養之內涵有所幫助。 二、 探索教育方案對於包容異己與同理能力為首之公民素養有所提升 根據本研究之發現得知,探索教育方案對公民素養具有正面影響,其中影響層面分為:「方案使成員坦然面對高風險及體能的挫折,提升成員學習從關懷與同理中虛心嘗試、「方案中共同經驗的直接嘗試,會使成員願意容忍不確定並納入不同聲音產生創發思維」、「探索方案引導員帶動充分表達之共識匯集討論,讓成員能夠包容異己並專注思考」、「改變探索方案規則及環境讓成員經歷問題,引導員再適時提醒會有助於學員虛心嘗試錯誤,並願意包容異己和專注自主思考」、「引導員探索方案活動後的反思引導,對專注思考串連經驗與包容異己與同理能力有所助益」、「方案中保持非歧視的夥伴關係,有助於包容異己與同理能力提升」、「探索方案之參與成員有社交能力差、異性夥伴參與,有助於包容異己與同理能力提升」七類。 最後,本研究根據上述結果,對參與探索教育之單位、規劃及帶領探索教育之引導員、成人教育方案規劃及後續研究公民素養等方面提出建議。


The purposes of this study starts from citizenship want to realize the relation of program adventure (PA) and adult education. Then according to Empirical Studies search of PA and integrated toleration’s citizenship to develop some element to constitute indicator. Hoping this research can support an approach of Taiwan Civic Education. The results are summarized as fallow: Firstly, PA can provide direct experience and use as adventure keep experience divergent and convergent from analyze references to prove experience. This character can develop learners to learn how to concentrate thinking, how to tolerate others, how to keep modest and open-minded and how to return to real life. It’s good for promoting citizenship. Secondly, this research discovers that PA influences citizenship positively in 7 aspects: “PA action allows learners to face risks and setbacks with an open- minded attitude”, “PA action can support direct attempt trial and error to make learners tolerate uncertainty and diversity”, ”Director of PA provide to fully discuss with a common consensus can rise toleration and concentrated thinking”, “Director of PA change the rule of challenge and bear uncertain of the learner action then remind leaner timely can let them learn attempt modestly, toleration and concentrated thinking ” , “Director of PA lead leaner to discuss and reflect experience of PA can help learners to develop concentrated thinking, integrate experience and learn toleration”, ” Companion of AP keep non-discriminatory can rise toleration” , “Companion of AP with poor social skills and different sex can push learner to learn toleration”. Finally, based on the above findings, this study aimed at providing suggestions from PA organization of participating, planning and directing, practical director of PA, Adult program planners and future related researches as well.


林以亮、婁貽哲(譯)(1976)。Dewey, J.著。自由與文化。台北:臺灣學生書局。


