  • 學位論文


The Study on News Service of Chinese Portal Sites

指導教授 : 楊美雪


華文網站數量日漸增加、服務愈加豐富的今日,華文入口網站在新聞服務上的經營與發展,是許多入口網站持續努力與著重的服務之一。   為瞭解華文入口網站在新聞服務的內容與呈現方式,以及網路使用者對於華文入口網站新聞服務的需求和看法,本研究分別以「內容分析」與「網路問卷調查」二種研究方式進行研究。   經由「內容分析法」,本研究發現華文入口網站除了提供即時的新聞訊息服務,同時也將新聞搜尋、連結、排行、討論以及新聞個人化服務,作了相當完整及進階功能的提升。持續至今,各華文入口網站仍繼續在增加新聞方面的各項服務。   在呈現上,華文入口網站均以相當明顯的方式,在網站首頁呈現新聞訊息及連結服務,同時以多層次的版面將新聞服務進行分類。不同地區的入口網站雖然在新聞首頁內容、篇幅的呈現各有差異,但新聞首頁的頭條新聞及圖片,大多安排於版面左上方;新聞內容版型則以上橫幅配下二欄式居多;新聞主文的圖片,則多安排在文章的開頭。   另一方面,根據網路問卷調查,本研究發現網路使用者對於入口網站提供的即時新聞服務有相當高的需求認同,在新聞內容搜尋、最新新聞連結服務,以及新聞討論、熱門新聞的排行以及自行改變新聞內文字體大小等服務,也有相當程度的需求。   新聞呈現版面上,網路使用者認為新聞首頁的篇幅不宜過長,採用橫幅方式表現新聞類別,是適當的呈現方式;頭條新聞應該置於新聞首頁的正上方,新聞圖片也應該安排在文章的開頭。   除此之外,不同地區的網路使用者對於新聞服務功能需求有所差異,如台灣地區的網路使用者在新聞搜尋、連結與個人化等服務的需求,都比中國地區的網路使用者來的高;每天瀏覽網路新聞的使用者,在新聞連結的服務需求上,也比不常瀏覽網路新聞的使用者來的高。   具體而言,網路使用者對於華文入口網站在新聞服務上的需求,以新聞內容的充實性為主,版面的安排以簡潔、清爽的設計為宜,最好再增加圖片比例。如此一來,華文入口網站不但能夠滿足更多新聞閱聽眾的需求及期望,入口網站也可藉此提升網站流量並吸引更多網路使用者。


With the increase of Chinese websites and the introduction of more and more services, the management and development of the news service have become one of the focuses of many Chinese portal sites.   In order to understand the content and style of the news service on Chinese portal sites and Internet users’ needs and viewpoints, “content analysis” and “Internet survey” were adopted in this study.   Through content analysis, it was discovered that in addition to real-time news service, news search, link service, rankings, discussions, and personalized service in many Chinese portal sites have been upgraded with advanced functions, and new news-related services are offered at all times.   In terms of the presentation of news service, it could be noticed in all Chinese portal sites that news and links are directly displayed in the homepage with multi-layered web pages to classify different news service types. Despite the fact that the news displayed in the homepage and its coverage differ from region to region, headlines and pictures are mostly shown at the upper left corner of the news homepage. Moreover, the news content template is often composed of a banner at the upper part of the webpage and two columns below it. Pictures in the news article are generally placed in the beginning of the text.   According to the Internet survey, Internet users have a strong need for the real-time news service on portal sites, and their needs for news search engines, the link service for the latest news, a news discussion board, the ranking of hot news, and the function to change the text size are also considerable.   Speaking of the news template, it was mentioned by Internet users that the news homepage should not be too lengthy, and using a banner to indicate news types is appropriate. Besides, headlines should be displayed on the upper part of the homepage, while news pictures should be shown in the beginning of the article.   Additionally, Internet users in different regions showed different needs for the news services. For instance, compared with users in China, a higher need for news search, link service, and personalization can be found among Taiwanese users. Meanwhile, individuals who read news on the Internet everyday would need the news link service more than those do not.   Basically, Internet users’ needs from Chinese portal sites include: rich news content, a simple and easy-to-read template, and a higher proportion of pictures. If all these needs can be fulfilled, Chinese portal sites can not only satisfy the needs and expectations of more news readers and listeners but also boost the web traffic and the visitor number.


Portal Chinese Website News service web layouts




