  • 學位論文


Behavior performance of Taiwanese Trimeresurus snakes in different temperatures

指導教授 : 杜銘章


溫度會影響外溫動物的行為表現,其優劣常和溫度成鐘形的關係,即在特定溫度時行為表現最佳,太低或太高的溫度則表現變差。高海拔的動物常處在低溫的環境,台灣三種龜殼花屬(Trimeresurus)蛇類中,菊池氏龜殼花(T. gracilis)僅分布於海拔2000尺以上的山區,因此我們預測菊池氏龜殼花的行為表現最佳溫度值可能低於另外兩種同屬的赤尾青竹絲(T. stejnegeri stejnegeri) 和龜殼花(T. mucrosquamatus),且在低海拔的常溫下其行為表現可能已經變差。反之,後兩種蛇類在高海拔的常溫下其行為表現可能不佳。我們選用攻擊速度、反應時間、攻擊相關行為、攝食率、攻擊成功率的表現作為指標。實驗分別在7℃、12℃、17℃、22℃、27℃、32℃以及36℃中進行。結果菊池氏龜殼花攻擊相關行為的最適溫度並不如預期的低於另外兩種蛇類,最適溫度也趨同於低海拔環境的常溫。雖然如此,在低溫環境中,菊池氏龜殼花在最大攻擊速度、攻擊相關行為、攻擊反應時間、攝食率等的表現仍明顯的優於另外兩種蛇類,而龜殼花的表現最差。菊池氏龜殼花在高溫依然能夠維持良好的行為能力,龜殼花又是明顯最差。這樣的結果顯示,菊池氏龜殼花比另外兩種蛇類尤其是龜殼花更適應高海拔的低溫環境,但是沒有辦法解釋菊池氏龜殼花為何不能分布在低海拔的地區。


龜殼花屬 蛇類 溫度 行為表現 攻擊


There are three species of Trimeresurus snakes in Taiwan. Taiwan mountain pit-viper (T. gracills) is an endemic species, and can be found only at an altitude over 2000 meters. The other species, Chinese green tree viper (T. stejnegeri stejnegeri) and Pointed-scaled pit-viper (T. mucrosquamatus) inhabit under 2000 meters in Taiwan. The reason why these snakes restrict at different altitudes is the question that we want to answer. We hypothesized Taiwan mountain pit-viper has lower optimal temperature than Chinese green tree viper and Pointed-scaled pit-viper. We tested strike maximum speed, reaction time, strike related behaviors, food taking rate and strike successful rate in 7 different temperatures; 7℃, 12℃, 17℃, 22℃, 27℃, 32℃, 36℃. The result did not support our hypothesis, Taiwan mountain pit-viper did not have a lower optimal temperature than the other two snakes. Nevertheless, in low temperatures, Taiwan mountain pit-viper had the best performance in strike maximum speed, reaction time, strike related behaviors and food taking rate in three species. Pointed-scaled pit-viper had the worst performance. In high temperatures, Taiwan mountain pit-viper still showed good performance and Pointed-scaled pit-viper had the worst performance again. Therefore, the results revealed a better adaptation of adult Taiwan mountain pit-viper than the other two species at high altitude mountains. But it could not tell why Taiwan mountain pit-viper does not distribute at lower altitude areas.


Trimeresurus snakes temperature performance strike


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