

台灣歷史有獨特的性格,從原住民的開拓經驗出現,到最近四百年漢人的移民拓墾。當台灣移民社會萌芽的同時,西方帝國主義也正向東方擴張,殖民地社會也進入雛型時期;臺灣歷史經驗的推移,便在殖民者的壓迫與移民的對抗中,慢慢的累積起來。 雙溪是位於東北角邊陲的農村,純樸又秀麗,由於移民的墾闢進程,建立了漢人社會的文化模式與生活組織,如土地公的信仰、祭祀圈、信仰圈的形成、水圳的建造和士紳家族的崛起等,對僻居農村的文風,產生潛移默化的功能,使書房、詩社等民間教育蓬勃興盛。 台灣是日本的第一個殖民地,扮演著策略性角色,雙溪鄉藉由百年的「雙溪國小」與傳承的「貂山吟社」發展,闡述台灣在日本的殖民下,扮演著策略性角色,如灌溉的網路、鄉村學校、挖掘煤礦、金礦等,發展出排斥性的政治制度和經濟的卡特爾(cartels)管理,對台灣後續發展,有很重大的含意和影響。 本研究擬就社會文化因素中的社會制度組織、心理因素、人口結構、文化演化等議題,以清領以前的雙溪、漢人社會的建立與文化發展、日治以來的社會變遷等議題,企圖建立一個具有普遍性的「規範基礎」,來描述、分析、探究現代社會的結構;藉以更深入了解,雙溪鄉的社會文化變遷,提昇社會參與人文關懷,並作為相關單位,對雙溪鄉未來發展規劃的參考方向。


There is a unique personality in Taiwan’s history, opening up from the aboriginal cultivated experience to present, the immigrants of the Han’s cultivation open up, form immigrant’s society until the most recent 400 years. And while immigrant’s society sprouts, western imperialism is being expanded to the east, the colony society enter to young period too. The lapse of the historical experience in Taiwan accumulation slowly stands up in colonist’s oppression and the immigrant’s face-off. Shuangsi is a village located at the north-eastern corner of Taiwan. It’s a purely beautiful place. Due to the immigrant cultivated process, the cultural model and living organization of the Han’s society was established, such as the belief of the village god, the ambit of the sacrificial rites, the forming of the faith, the building of the canal, and the rise of the gentry’s family etc. It changed and influenced the style of writing in the backcountry imperceptibly, and also flourished the civilian education like the study room and the poetry association. Taiwan which is the Japanese first colony acted as the tactical role, due to ‘the primary school of Shuangsi over a century and Township ermine’s mountain chant society’ development pass on; explain that Taiwan is under the colonizing of Japan, acting the tactic role. Such as the network, rural road, railway, port, credit cooperative, rural school, excavate the colliery, gold mine etc., it is appear political system and economic Cartel (cartels) of person who repel manage, these develop have great meaning and influence to Taiwan follow-up development. The research of these topics draw up social system organization, psycho- logical factor, population structure, culture in the social factor and evolves, with the topics, such as common faith of land, offer sacrifice’s enclosing, faith’s enclosing, water system building, gentry’s family of ditch between fields of immigrant’s society, etc., intend to set up an universal ‘standardize foundation’, to describe analyze, criticize the structure of the modern society. It makes us more understanding the social cultural changes of Shuangsi Township in depth even more, promote the humane care of the communal participation, and regarded as the reference direction for the future development plan of Shuangsi to the relevant units.





