

本研究旨在了解民國五十五至九十四學年度畢業之大專音樂科系視障生,使用點字樂譜之狀況,研究待答問題包括點字樂譜在臺灣的發展歷程、資訊科技對點字樂譜使用的影響,以及視障生使用點字樂譜的困境與需求。研究者採用訪談法,分就大專音樂科系畢業視障生及曾參與點字樂譜規劃、研發或引進之相關人士,進行相關議題之訪問。具體結論如下: 一、點字樂譜在臺灣的發展歷程 自民國六十七(1978)至八十(1991)年,古典音樂點字符號由音樂點字小組完成編譯,也藉此從日本引進音符式點譯法。民國八十一(1992)年間,「中國盲文民族器樂符號集成」引進至臺灣,成為傳統樂器使用的符號,惟據此所編譯之各類成果未正式發行,推廣效果有限。點譯系統方面,主要為音符式,此與國際通用之音程式有所不同,特別是音程與和聲,且前者欠缺爵士樂與現代音樂部份。而國內雖有音程式點字樂譜相關書籍,且多數視障生也兼具兩種系統的辨識能力,但教育部未加宣導國際通用之音程式點譯法,成效有限。在點字樂譜取得管道方面,主要為透過錄音讀譜、請託音樂教師點譯或向圖書館借閱;音樂教師為視障生學習點字樂譜的重要管道。 二、資訊科技對於點字樂譜使用之影響 經由研發或引進的點字樂譜軟體包括音樂ABC、簡易音樂譜、GOODFEEL三套,但方便度及適用性尚待改進。而視障生對資訊科技的運用,以生活層面如:收發郵件、網路瀏覽、文書處理與蒐集資料等最為普遍,在音樂學習方面,僅少部分視障生能使用音樂ABC;對於點字樂譜軟體學習與使用的必要性,多數表示認同。透過點字樂譜軟體,視障生可自行製譜,並運用MIDI功能編曲與製作伴唱帶,而視力正常者亦可輕易藉之製譯點字樂譜。 三、視障生使用點字樂譜面臨的困境與需求 由於點字樂譜的複雜與製作不易,導致點譯人員缺乏;且視障生多依賴聽音記譜,摸讀意願不強,進而影響對樂曲的詮釋。在摸讀遇有不解時,多會請教視障朋友、音樂教師及查閱書籍。點字樂譜相關書籍除「點字樂符經解」使用者較多外,其餘書籍使用率偏低。視障生均需請託視力正常的同儕轉譯五線譜,而缺乏研發點字樂譜軟體專業人才,是目前最大的困境。多數受訪者認為應成立專責機構提供多元服務,且編印以點形為主的音樂點字符號字典有其必要;此外,視障生也希望可以網路下載所需之點字樂譜。 依據研究結論,研究者並對學習音樂之視障生、視障教育工作者、教育主管機關、點字樂譜(軟體)相關人士,以及後續研究等,提出建議,作為點字樂譜未來發展與相關決策制訂之參考。


點字樂譜 視障生


Abstract This study aims at the conditions of the visual-impaired music major graduate students of Taiwan using the Braille Music Notation from academic year 1966 to 2005. It focuses on the difficulties and needs encountered by the aforementioned. Thus, the research questions include the following: acquiring information on Braille Music Notation, the accessorial efficacy of computer technology in the Braille Music Notation, and the difficulties and needs encountered by visual-impaired students when using the Braille Music Notation. Suggestions and recommendations on ways and means of helping and solving the problems of visual-impaired students when using Braille Music Notation are incorporated in this paper. Research on this study was primarily conducted through interview, comprising of visual-impaired music major college students of Taiwan, and experts who took part in the plan, research, and the spreading of the Braille Music Notation in Taiwan. Summaries of the results of research are shown below. Channels of acquiring information on Braille Music Notation are mainly derived from textbooks, oral transmission from experts, and listening to musical notes. Through computer technology, a visual-impaired student can compose or arrange musical notes by himself. In like manners, a normal person can also transcribe musical notes for the visual-impaired student. The problems encountered by the visual-impaired students are as follows: (i) the inadequacy of information available on Braille Music Notation (ii) The Musical Note Dictation is still the main source of learning (iii) The inconvenience brought about when transcribing music notation. It is thereby highly recommended that visual-impaired students should take the initiative to change their total dependency on Musical Note Dictation and Listening Competency by coming in contact with the Braille Music Notation for convenience and practical needs. Moreover, the government should also establish an institute primarily intended for the visual-impaired students to truly solve their present problems and needs. It is hope that this research would provide some contributions and insights for future researchers in the study of the Braille Music Notation.


財團法人愛盲文教基金會網站 http://www.cefb.org.tw 2006/3/21


