  • 學位論文


A Contrastive Study of Curriculum Implementation in English Gifted and Regular Classes:A Case Study of an EFL Teacher in Taiwan

指導教授 : 葉錫南


摘要 本研究旨在探究一位公立高中英語教師於高二英語資優班與普通班之課程實踐。此個案研究之重點如下:一為探討該英語教師在教材、教學技巧以及評量等三方面之區分性教學;二為探究影響該教師教學決策之因素。本研究採質性研究法,以實地教室觀察、訪談及問卷為主要資料收集方法。 研究結果顯示,該教師的教學採用傳統模式,以教師為中心並重視形式,且兩班教學上並無顯著之差異。該教師在兩班之間僅提供了些微的區分性課程與教學。大致而言,濃縮或加速、挑戰性高及加深加廣的教材在英語資優班略為明顯。就教學技巧而言,兩班之差異在於該教師英語之使用(英語資優班之英語使用率略高)、認知技巧之訓練(英語資優班較多由上而下之閱讀訓練,而普通班則由下而上之閱讀教學較明顯)、提問的使用(英語資優班之提問較有前測學生先備知識之功能,而普通班提問之功能則較為後測學生理解程度)以及課堂討論之實施(英語資優班較多全班性討論,而普通班之小組討論則較顯著)。至於評量,該教師對英語資優生的口頭報告或發表設立較高的評量標準。雖然此研究並未發現顯著之區分性課程實踐,但深入訪談卻顯示該教師具有為英語資優班提供區分性教學的知識與能力。簡易而言,該教師針對英語資優生之區分性課程實踐除受限於學生及行政政策因素外,亦深受其公平原則之信念的影響。 針對教師思考歷程,訪談結果顯示內在(如:教師信念與個性)和外在(如:學生差異、教材內容、行政政策、社會趨勢及學生與同事之建議)因素皆影響該英語教師的教學決定歷程。此外,本研究也發現,整體而言該教師之教師信念與其教學行為一致。 有鑑於本研究之發現,研究者亦針對資優教育、英語教育及師資培育三方面提出建言。首先,資優班之英語教師應基於既定課程之上提供合適的區分性教學。第二,該教師提出英語資優班學生程度並非如預期且大部分並未達到真正資優的標準,教育當局及校方應審慎思考並評估英語資優生鑑定及安置的問題。第三,該教師公平原則之信念恐危及英語資優生應得之學習經驗,相關教育單位應藉在職研習加強教師資優教育方面之專業知能。第四,普通班英語教師亦可應用資優課程設計於教學中,以提升學習成效。第五,師資教育應重視反思教學的重要性,以增進有效教學與教師專業成長。再者,教育行政政策方面,政策單位應增加每週英文科授課時數,而校方也可外聘校外兼任教師教授英語資優班之加深加廣課程,以豐富教學資源的多樣性且減輕校內英語教師之教學壓力。


ABSTRACT This study aimed to investigate a senior high school English teacher’s curriculum implementation in both the second-year English gifted and regular classes in a public school in Taiwan. The focuses of this case study were placed on (a) the differentiation practices in terms of content materials, instructional strategies, and assessment implementation and (b) the factors influencing her decision-making in both classes. The data collection instruments in this qualitative study consisted of two-month classroom observations, semi-structured interviews, and questionnaire survey. Drawing on the comprehensive data, it was found that the target teacher adopted traditional teacher-centered and form-focused instruction, and there were no significant instructional differences between the two classes. Only slightly differentiated curriculum and instruction was discovered. Generally, in terms of content materials, compacted/accelerated, challenging, enriched and deepened materials were more salient in the English gifted class. Regarding instructional strategies, the two classes differed from each other mainly in the teacher’s use of the target language, training of processing skills, use of questioning, and implementation of discussions. As for assessment, the English talented learners were given stricter grading policies for oral presentations. Despite these few differentiations, the in-depth interview data have shown the target teacher’s ample knowledge and competence for providing differentiation for the English talented learners. Basically, in addition to student and administration factors, the target teacher’s controversial belief claiming equal curriculum provision between gifted/talented and regular learners also dictated her differentiation practices. For teacher thinking, the interview data indicated that both internal (e.g., teachers’ beliefs and personality) and external (e.g., student variables, content materials, administrative policies, social trends, and student and peer suggestions) factors influenced the participant teacher’s decision-making. Additionally, a general consistency between the espoused beliefs and real practices was observed. Results and findings of this research provide some pedagogical implications for gifted education, English education, and teacher education. First, this study reveals ways English teachers of the gifted can do, based on the existing curriculum, to provide appropriate differentiation. Second, it suggests the educational authority should attach importance to issues of English talented students’ identification and placement process. Third, in response to the teacher’s controversial theory of fairness, participations in in-service workshops are encouraged to broaden teachers’ understanding about gifted education and professional knowledge. Fourth, it demonstrates how EFL teachers can do to promote learning in mainstream education. Fifth, it is suggested that reflective teaching should be incorporated in teacher education to enhance teaching effectiveness and teacher growth. Moreover, increasing instruction hours for General English per week and recruiting outside part-time faculty to teach enrichment courses for the English gifted class are recommended as well.


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