  • 學位論文


Exploring Metacognitive Strategy Use in Listening Comprehension

指導教授 : 陳純音


摘要 本研究旨在探討以英文為外語的成功學習者,其後設聽力策略的使用,以及主題熟悉度的影響。 本實驗研究對象為十二名國立台灣師範大學的學生。依其英文學習年限分成三組。請他們聆聽兩篇短文後進行兩項實驗。立即回想性口頭報告,以了解其後設聽力策略之使用;之後再進行半結構式訪談,進一步檢驗其後設聽力策略使用與影響其使用的因素。 研究發現,受試者皆能使用後設聽力策略。其較常使用的後設聽力策略前三名分別為:「注意力」、「辨認」、和「監控」策略。就三組間後設聽力策略的使用差異而言,越有經驗的學習者所使用後設聽力測驗的品質,明顯優於經驗較低的學習者。就文章熟悉度而言,聆聽熟悉的主題時,受試者較會使用「計畫」跟「監控」策略;聆聽不熟悉的主題,其則較會使用「注意力」跟「辨認」策略。最後,研究發現,英文學習年限與受試者之良好學習經驗,皆會促成後設聽力策略的使用;到過英語系國家可調整其英文聽力的正向態度;學習者的信念對其設聽力策略使用亦有影響。


ABSTRACT The present study aims to investigate the metacognitive listening strategies used by successful EFL learners in Taiwan, together with the variable of topic familiarity. The participants were 12 students at National Taiwan Normal University. According to their number of years of English learning, they were divided into 3 groups. Two experimental instruments were used in the study. Immediate retrospective verbal reports were administered first to the participants to explore their metacognitive listening strategy use. Semi-structured interviews were conducted later to further examine their metacognitive listening strategy use and to find out the factors affecting the use of metacognitive listening strategies. The results showed that the participants were good at using metacognitive listening strategies. The top three metacogntive listening strategies frequently used were Attention, Identification, and Monitoring respectively. With regard to the differences of metacognitive listening strategy use among the three groups, it was found that the experienced listeners used metacognitive listening strategies in a better quality than less experienced listeners. With regard to the effect of topic familiarity on metacognitive listening strategy use, the participants used more Planning and Monitoring strategies when listening to the familiar topic and more Attention and Identification when listening to the unfamiliar topic. Finally, it was found that the number of years of learning English and good learning experience contributed to the participants’ use of metacognitive listening strategy, experience of going to English-speaking countries changed the participants’ attitudes towards listening in a positive way, and their beliefs influenced their metacognitive listening strategy use as well.


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