  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 董貞吟


本研究針對雲林縣某國中學生發展「綠色消費教學模組」,目的在了解實施綠色消費教學對學生綠色消費覺察度、知識、態度、自我效能及行為之影響,以及學生對課程的意見與反應。 本研究採「準實驗設計」,以雲林縣2所國中八年級學生為研究對象,立意取樣一所為實驗組學校(兩班共70人),另一所為對照學校(兩班共63人),實驗組持續4週接受4個單元(共4小時)的綠色消費教學介入課程,對照組則無教學介入。在實驗介入前,研究對象同時接受前測,並於教學結束後評值綠色消費教學模組之教學成效。所得資料以描述性統計、卡方統計及單因子共變數分析等進行討論,所得研究結果如下: 一、研究對象在計畫介入前之綠色消費「覺察度」及「態度」趨於正向,綠色 消費知識整體答對率也高達83.68%,但在綠色消費「自我效能」及「行 為」卻不夠理想。 二、綠色消費教學模組介入後,實驗組學生在「整體綠色消費覺察」及次變項 「拒用」、「減量」、「重複使用」、「回收」皆顯著提升。 三、綠色消費教學模組介入後,實驗組學生在「整體綠色消費知識」及次變項 「拒用」、「減量」皆顯著提升;但不能有效提升次變項「重複使用」、 「回收」及「綠色消費對環境友善認知」三個次變項。 四、綠色消費教學模組介入後,實驗組學生在「整體綠色消費態度」及次變項 「拒用」有顯著提升;但不能有效提升「減量」、「重複使用」及「回 收」三個次變項。 五、綠色消費教學模組介入後,實驗組學生在「整體綠色消費自我效能」及次 變項「拒用」、「減量」、「重複使用」、「回收」皆顯著提升。 六、綠色消費教學模組介入後,實驗組學生在「整體綠色消費行為」及次變項 「拒用」及「重複使用」面向有顯著提升;但不能有效提升「減量」及 「回收」兩個次變項。 七、有七成以上實驗組學生對此教學活動所使用的教材和教學方法感到喜歡並 覺得有幫助。 根據本研究結果,可供國內推廣國中生綠色消費教育及相關研究參考。建議未來相關介入的研究能用行為科學理論和策略,相信必能增進綠色消費教育之果效。


The purposes of this study were to assess the effects of the Green Consumption curriculum module devised for the junior high school students, and to understand the evaluation of the experiment group students in this program. The study was constructed on a quasi-experimental design, and it sampled eighth graders of 2 schools in Yunlin as subjects. These students were non-randomly assigned to the treatment group (n=70), and the control group (n=63). The treatment group received the intervention curriculum of 4 units for 4weeks(4 hours in total) and the control group received nothing. Both groups took the pre-test and pro-test with the“Green consumption awareness, knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy and behavior”questionnaire. The data were analyzed using Percentile Description, Chi-square, and one way ANCOVA. The results of the study were as follow: 1.Before the intervention, students’ green consumption awareness and attitude were positive. Students’ whole responding rate of the green consumption knowledge were 83.68% . However, students were poor in self-efficacy and behavior of the green consumption. 2.The green consumption education program could help students significantly increase the total green consumption awareness and the subscale“Refuse Awareness”, “Reduce Awareness ”,“Reuse Awareness”and“Recycle Awareness”. 3.The green consumption education program could help students significantly increase the total green consumption knowledge and the subscale “Refuse Knowledge”and “Reduce Knowledge”. 4.The green consumption education program could help students significantly increase the total green consumption attitude and the subscale “Refuse Attitude”. 5.The green consumption education program could help students significantly increase the total green consumption self-efficacy and the subscale “Refuse Self- efficacy,“Reduce Self-efficacy”,“Reuse Self- efficacy”and“Recycle Self-efficacy”. 6.The green consumption education program could help students significantly increase the total green consumption behavior and the subscale “Refuse Behavior”and“Reuse Behavior”. 7. More than seventy percent of the experimental group students enjoyed and felt helpful about the curriculum and teaching method of these activities. The result of this research could provide some help for the junior high school students about green consumption education and related studies. We suggested using behavior science theory and strategy the future intervention-related researches to enhance the effect of Green Consumption Education.


呂正成(1994)。綠色消費者之消費行為研究— 以主婦聯盟會員為例。國立


