  • 學位論文


The Study on the Factors Affecting Online Knowledge Sharing ─ A Case Study of a Discussion Board used by Research and Development Staff

指導教授 : 方崇雄


本研究目的旨在:探討線上知識分享之相關理論基礎、探討影響研發人員線上知識分享之因素、探討個案公司研發人員個人背景變項對線上知識分享影響因素之差異性及提供個案公司及未來對本題目有興趣之研究者參考。 研究方法除文獻探討之外,並透過問卷調查法,以個案公司約770名的研發工程師為母群名單,經查表依據Krejcie的隨機抽樣原則,抽取257樣本數以進行調查,回收有效問卷245份。依研究結果獲致結論如下: 一、線上知識分享之影響因素分別為:組織文化因素、討論區基礎建設因素、獎酬制度因素、工作壓力因素、知識分享設計因素與知識分享意願因素等六大構面。 二、在六大構面中,以知識分享設計影響最大,依序為組織文化因素、獎酬制度因素、討論區基礎建設因素、工作壓力因素與知識分享意願因素。 三、在個別題項部份,研究樣本最對「組織創造互信的文化,將促使同仁願意分享知識」的同意程度最高。 四、依研究結果研發人員對線上知識分享皆為正向感受,顯示確已達到應用討論區進行線上知識分享的目的。


The main purposes of the study were to discuss basic theories related to online knowledge sharing, factors that influenced the RD staff to share knowledge on-line. Moreover, the variation of the RD staff’s demographic variables in the case was also taken into consideration for online knowledge sharing. With all, it was hoped to provide the company in the case and other researchers interested in this topic some useful reference. The study conducted a questionnaire survey along with literature review. According to Krejcie’s simple random sampling, 257 RD engineers were selected as subjects from about 770 in the company of this case, with 245 valid questionnaires. Based on the results, four conclusions were made as follows. 1. Six aspects composed factors affecting one to share knowledge on-line, which were organizational culture, base construction of discussion board, rewards, working pressure, knowledge sharing design, and willingness of sharing knowledge. 2. Among the six aspects, the factor of knowledge sharing design influenced most, and then organizational culture, rewards, base construction of discussion board, working pressure, and willingness of sharing knowledge orderly. 3. By individual item, “A mutual trust created in the organization culture could help stimulate colleagues’ willingness to share knowledge” was what RD staff highly agreed most. 4. A positive result from the RD staff showed that the purposes of applying the tool to knowledge sharing had indeed been reached.


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