  • 學位論文


The Effect of Learning Support on Advanced Learners’ Problem-solving of Subroutine Programming

指導教授 : 陳明溥


本研究目的在探討先備知識與學習支持對於高職程式設計進階學習者在程式語言副程式單元問題解決成效與學習態度的影響。參與者為高職資料處理科三年級55位程式語言進階學習者,以班級為單位分派為高學習支持組與低學習支持組進行為三個階段之程式設計專題活動。   研究結果發現:在程式設計問題解決成效方面,先備知識與學習支持交互作用不顯著;高學習支持組優於低學習支持組;高先備知識組亦優於低先備知識組;而且,低先備知識組在程式撰寫的表現上有較多的進步。在學習態度方面,學習者對於程式設計專題之教學活動皆抱持正向的態度;而且,高先備知識組比低先備知識組更積極參與學習;低學習支持組則比高學習支持組更積極進行學習活動。


The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of prior knowledge and learning support on advanced learners’ problem-solving performance in subroutine programming. Fifty-five vocational high school students participated in the 3-stage programming project of this study. Participants received high learning support and low learning support by class during the project period, respectively. Participants were identified as the high pior-knowledge group and the low prior-knowledge group by the mean score of the prior-knowledget. The results showed that on the analysis of programming problem-solving performance, (a) the interaction of prior-knowledge and learning-support was not significant, (b) the high prior-knowledge group outperformed the low prior-knowledge group, (c) the high learning-support group also outperformed the low learning-support group, and furthermore, (d) the low prior-knowledge group achieved better progress in program writing than the high prior-knowledge group. On the analysis of attitudes, (a) participants showed positive attitudes toward learning from completing the programming project, (b) the high prior-knowledge learners showed more active attitudes than the low prior-knowledge learners, and finally, (c) the low learning-support learners showed more active attitudes than the high learning-support learners.


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