  • 學位論文


A Study on a Supporting Model for Curriculum Decision-Making Using Data Warehouse Technology

指導教授 : 楊朝祥 戴建耘


資料倉儲支援課程決策模式之研究 徐明珠 摘要 面臨全球化、資訊化之內外在環境衝擊,基於課程為教育核心之觀點,大學教育宜由課程改革著手,始能預應國內外嚴峻之挑戰。然因受限於課程發展不易、決策因素複雜,以及課程本身知識特性之限制,亟待突破傳統以文獻和課程會議為導向之課程發展方式。有鑑於資料倉儲之運用漸成氣候,資料採礦技術亦已日漸成熟,加以教育部大學課程資料建置已有時日,所累積之課程資料彌足珍貴,運用資料倉儲於課程決策之必要性乃應運而生。 本研究以課程文獻理論形塑課程發展之主軸,並結合課程法令規章與專家知識之分析,形成課程決策機制、課程情境和課程組織三項課程決策因素,據以進行課程決策研究之塑模。再以資料倉儲結合資料採礦技術進行課程知識發現之實證相互驗證及解釋,已證明所提之「資料倉儲支援課程決策研究」之模式可行,可據以建立「課程資料倉儲知識發現」(curriculum knowledge discovery in data warehouse, CKDD)步驟和方式,作為課程發展時決策之參考。 在研究方法上,採用文獻分析、專家問卷調查以及決策支援技術三個方法,並採用量化與質化調查之三角校正分析,兼以一般統計工具、資料採礦技術進行資料統計和分析,實為研究方法、研究工具和統計、分析方式多樣化之混合式研究。其中,專家問卷調查之目的在運用三角校正分析,形成大學課程決策因素,從而發展出課程決策之知識,以突破國內大學課程研究尚未形成氣候,而課程決策相關研究不足之限制,作為本研究塑模之基礎。 而資料倉儲支援課程決策之塑模,主要目的在以文獻探討和專家知識為基礎,以及融合資料倉儲和資料採礦技術知識發現之過程,建立「資料倉儲支援課程決策模式研究」之架構,據以作為資料倉儲支援課程決策研究實證之依循;並以全國大學新聞系課程為個案,依照「資料倉儲支援課程決策研究模式架構」,進行「課程資料倉儲」之建置,以及資料採礦支援課程決策分析實證。 在資料統計和分析方面,首先進行敘述性統計,以提供課程發展情境分析之用,並以決策樹挖掘課程變項之規則,以關聯規則挖掘課程間之規則,形成課程發展於課程組織時,對課程變項結構及最適課程組合決策之原則。而藉由塑模與實證課程規則之相互驗證,其間所發現之課程規則不僅趨於一致性,且相較之下,資料倉儲結合資料採礦技術所進行之課程知識發現更具科學化、精確化和效率化,已然彰顯「資料倉儲支援課程決策研究」之可行性和價值性。 最後,本研究建構了「資料倉儲支援課程決策研究模式」、「決策樹支援課程資料倉儲知識發現CKDD模式」、「關聯規則支援課程資料倉儲知識發現CKDD模式」、「資料倉儲支援課程決策模式」,以及「資料倉儲支援課程發展決策模式」等多重模式,並以此項發展課程決策模式研究之塑模與驗證之發現,對課程發展相關人士、大學課程網、新聞系課程發展及後續研究研提相關建議,進而期望由此邁向全「資料倉儲」為導向之課程發展決策模式。


A Study on a Supporting Model for Curriculum Decision-Making Using Data Warehouse Technology Hsu, Ming-Ju Abstract While facing swift changes and constant evolutions derived from globalization and information technologies, proper and effective curriculum developments by colleges and universities are critical and consequential in upgrading the quality of education to cope with the dynamic impacts from both internal and external challenges. However, it is difficult and arduous in making curriculum decisions due to the imminence and complexity of the process, the multiple factors involved and the characteristics of specific knowledge domain of each university curriculum. Traditional curriculum development process which mostly dependent on document analysis and consulting meeting seems to be outdated and ineffective. Curriculum decision making process needs be simplified and crystallized by decision-support technique available via computer and information technologies, so that university curriculums are optimized to meet essential requirements improving the quality of education. The university curriculum database constructed and maintained by the Ministry of Education (MOE) has stored a large amount of curriculum data, which could be examined and extracted to establish a University Curriculum Data Warehouse (UCDW) in support of various curriculum developments. The main purpose and objective of this research was therefore to establish a model using data warehouse technique to facilitate the curriculum development process, when properly constructed this model can help colleges and universities make effective curriculum decisions. The main axis of the research study was based on the literature theory of the curriculum, combined with curriculum policies and regulations, professional opinions and expert knowledge to form the three curriculum development factors in the curriculum decision-support model, which are curriculum situation analysis, curriculum organization and curriculum decision-making. Data Warehouse and Data Mining techniques were carried out to explore the UCDW to verify the validity of the model for Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD). As the model was refined and its feasibility established, it can become a viable method to be used for Curriculum Knowledge Discovery in Data Warehouse (CKDD) and can significantly improve the curriculum decision making process. This research study was comprehensive in essence: literature analysis, expert questionnaire survey, and decision support technology were carried out, laying the triangular foundations for this research study. Data Warehouse and Data Mining techniques were applied to extract the data from UCDW, the data were then analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively to verify and calibrate the research findings from the triangulation study. It combined multiple research methods with various statistical tools for meaningful data analysis, so it had characteristics of a hybrid research approach. Among these methods of study, the main purpose of applying expert structured questionnaire and in-depth interviews was to use triangulation analysis and calibration to establish decision-making factors for university curriculums, to break through the predicament that research study in university curriculum is so scarce that it can’t provide a good theoretical basis for a sound curriculum decision-making research. The primary objective of this decision-support model therefore was to utilize the studied results from literature analysis and expert survey in establishing a framework of the model for curriculum decision-making, which was further verified by Data Warehouse and Data Mining techniques. Moreover, this framework was then applied to a CKDD case study on all the departments of Journalism’s curriculums in all the universities in Taiwan, to study the effect of curriculum decision-support of this model. In the statistical analysis of the curriculum data, descriptive statistics was first conducted to capture the profile of the status, so that situation analysis for the curriculum development could be followed secondly. Decision Tree and Association Rule were used to examine the curriculum subjects and variables to determine the structure and relationship among the curriculums. The principles of decision-making were then established based on the established rules. The rules resulted from the different research methods showed high degree of consistency, more importantly, the rules retrieved from the decision-support model were more accurate and efficient than from those of modeling through traditional method of curriculum development. This finding significantly proved the feasibility of this model in support of curriculum decision-making using Data Warehouse technology. Finally, this research study developed several important models for curriculum developments and decision makings, including the Research Model for Curriculum Decision-Making Using Data Warehouse, the Decision Tree Model for Curriculum Knowledge Discovery in Data Warehouse (CKDD), the Association Rules and Model for CKDD, the Supporting Model for Curriculum Development Using Data Warehouse Technology and the Supporting Model for Curriculum Decision-Making Using Data Warehouse Technology, etc. The results of this research hopefully provide positive suggestions for those personnel who work on curriculum developments, college curriculum website and Department of Journalism for further improvement in their respective curriculum programs. Furthermore, hopefully this research study has laid a foundation for more meaningful follow-up studies that could be applied to many related areas toward the new era of curriculum developments, which is completely based on a comprehensive model using Data Warehouse technology.




