  • 學位論文


A Study for Operation Strategies of

指導教授 : 黃 光 男


板橋地區城市風貌的變遷及人口的社會增加迅速,缺乏累積在地長期生活的情感,位於板橋市交通中心的「林家花園」就板橋發展史見證性來說,有著在地文史起源的深刻意義,具備延續地方歷史記憶,建構環境認同,累積文化經驗的功能,以「林家花園」來塑造板橋核心文化價值,對於提升板橋人文氣息將具引導作用,之於突顯在地特色、打造板橋文化觀光形象及帶動產業發展等實際價值亦有正面意義。在迎向多元文化省思與需求的社會環境之際,因為空間機能的侷限、地理位置、娛樂型態不符合流行趨勢…等因素,板橋林家花園的營運遭遇多重瓶頸難以突破。 本研究之目的在於思考如何為板橋林家花園注入新的生命活力、深化其場所之意義 ,藉由資料收集、文獻回顧及田野調查對園邸的營運管理做深入探討,並透過政府主管、專業經營者、學者、文史工作者的觀點以及當地居民在地之觀點,做多重面向的專家訪談,同時依據遊客問卷?答,以描述性統計(Descriptive Statistic)及單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)瞭解觀眾需求,綜合結果以SWOT分析釐清園邸本身優勢條件與發展劣勢所在,發展可行策略,具體提供園邸活化古蹟營運策略規劃之參考。 目前園邸僅是一個任務編組附屬型管理,財物人力等組織編制拮据,政府實有必要朝向爭取成為正式館場獨立運作,資源才有可能獲得改善,納入專業經營、有效提升競爭能力。園邸應該延伸「保存」的任務定位,在古蹟維護的經營前提下,發展與地方社群相關的文化景點之連結,擴大地方經營的場域,以提高古蹟保存衍生有形及無形的價值產能。這也需要縣政府與市公所跨局室的整合,解決園邸交通與行銷問題,有效的交叉運用公務機制,以生態博物館的概念來發展以板橋林家花園為核心之「古蹟文化園區 」,串連地區觀光資源,結合地方飲食、商圈及文教產業,形塑成社區文化生活共同體,如此在文化資產保存的同時,再現板橋在地的人文特色,對於地方的經營上來說會是一個較具永續性的方向。同時,建議園邸發展數位典藏,透過科技能夠克服園邸最大的硬體運用限制及空間無法擴展之問題,不但落實博物館傳遞知識的社會功能之實質效益,達成古蹟文化推廣教育的使命,更可以進一步多角化經營滿足觀眾需求,開拓園邸發展的多元風貌。


板橋 林家花園 古蹟 保存 文化觀光


In a city like Banciao with fast-pace development and rapid increase in population, it is inevitable that there is lack of emotion accumulation to the city. As a witness of the city’s history, The Lin Family Mansion and Garden, which is situated in the heart of Banciao, is significant in its existence. Not only is it able to preserve the history of Banciao, establish envoironment identification, but also incorporate cultural experience. To structure The Lin Family Mansion and Garden as a core cultural value of Banciao is both realistic and positive. Such move would help strengthen the cultural atmosphere of the city and at the same time, enhance the city’s character, promote its cultural tourism image and encourage industrial development. Yet due to restrictions of space utility, geographical location and lack of conformity to modern entertainment, the operation of The Lin Family Mansion and Garden is challenged with many difficulties and dilemma. This paper aims to examine the possibilities of injecting new zest of life into The Lin Family Mansion and Garden thus reinforces its significance as a historical site. There would be extensive analysis on the operational strategies of the site based on the materials collected, reviews of historical archives and field investigations. Diverse interviews with experts are conducted from the perspective of government officials, professional operators, scholars, literature and cultural specialists and local residents. Also, through questionnaires collected from tourists, descriptive statistic and one-way ANOVA are applied to understand the needs of the public. With the use of SWOT, we would be able to recognize and understand the advantages and deficiencies of The Lin Family Mansion and Garden thereby establish possible strategies for the operation management of the site. At present, The Lin Family Mansion and Garden is managed by a subsidiary unit, which is lacking in both manpower and finance. It is necessary that the government upgrade the site to a formal museum of independent operation. Through professional management, both resources and competitiveness of the site would improve. Under the proposition of historical site management, The Lin Family Mansion and Garden should maintain its positioning as “conservation” and at the same time consolidate its connections with the cultural scenes of the local community, expand its geographical operation thus maximizing the tangible and invisible value derived from the preservation of a historical site. Therefore the county government and the city council should cooperate to resolve the traffic and marketing issues of The Lin Family Mansion and Garden and develop a “Historical Site Cultural Park” with the site as the main core, thereby integrate local food, shopping district and cultural resources to create the cultural life of the community. As such, we are able to conserve a historical site and re-establish the cultural atmosphere of Banciao, which is a more consistent direction for the development of the region. The Lin Family Mansion and Garden should also create a digital library to fully utilize its facilities and at the same time overcome space restrictions. This would not only achieve the mission of cultural education of a museum, but also extend its multi-operations for the public thus amplify the many possibilities of the site.




