  • 學位論文


The influence on Students’ Attitude toward Learning Science and Achievement on Learning Science Concepts through Teaching with designed Science Songs.

指導教授 : 楊文金


本研究旨在探討「科學歌曲」融入教學活動對國中學生自然科學的學習成效及學習態度的影響。研究以準實驗研究的方式進行,並以台北市大同區94學年度某國中二、三年級為研究對象,其中二、三年級分別為116位132位學生。針對「自然與生活科技」二年級下學期的「力是什麼」,以rap的方式將該單元主要內容編寫成「饒舌科學歌曲」;又針對三年級下學期「電功率」內容,以兒歌「小蜜蜂」的旋律發展「科學兒童歌曲」。本研究根據上述二個單元發展紙筆式的學習成就測驗工具,並修改學習態度的量表,作為瞭解科學歌曲教學成就的量測工具;此外,並以晤談的方式探討學生對科學歌曲教學的評價。準實驗的程序如下:在單元教學活動結束後,先施以前測;實驗組以科學教學歌曲教學作為該單元的複習,而控制組則是以單元摘要講義的講述來複習該單元的內容,其後再施以後測,並於一個星期後實施延宕測驗。[抽取若干名學生進行訪談] 主要研究發現如下: 1.「科學歌曲-兒歌」的教學對於提昇學生科學學習概念成效有良好的效果,實驗組優於對照組,其中:  (1)「科學歌曲-兒歌」自然高分組及中分組的表現中,實?組均優於對照組,只有在低分組的部份未達顯著差異。  (2)「科學歌曲-兒歌」音樂高分組及中分組的表現中,實驗組均優於對照組,只有在低分組的部份未達顯著差異。 2.「科學歌曲-rap」的教學對於提昇學生科學學習概念成效有良好的效果,實驗組優於對照組,其中:  (1)「科學歌曲-rap」自然高分組、中分組及低分組的表現中,實?組均優於對照組。  (2)「科學歌曲-rap」音樂高分組、中分組及低分組的表現中,實驗組均優於對照組。 3.就實驗組學生來說,在「我對上理化課的態度」、「我與同學之間的關係」、「我對自己的要求」、以及「我對老師的感覺」等「科學學習態度」的四個向度中,均有顯著提昇。


The main purpose of this study was trying to figure out the influence on students’ attitude toward learning science and their achievement on learning science. The study was a quasi-experimental design. After receiving the teaching with designed science songs, the experimental group was asked to accomplish the science concept achievement test and the questionnaire toward learning science. On the other hand, the control group was also asked to take the science concept achievement test, while taught with simple lecture. In this study, we had two kinds of the designed science songs. One was based on the children’s song with the concept of electric power, and the other was a rap designed according to the concept of force. Furthermore, both the experimental and control groups were classified into three groups as high-scored, middle-scored, and low-scored according to their science and music academic achievement. After the researcher compared the results, the major findings were as follows: 1.The result of the experimental group was more effective than the control group by using the science songs revised from the children’s song.  (a)By comparing the results of the science high-scored and the science middle-scored group, there were significant differences between the experimental group and the control group. However, there was no significant difference between them through comparing the results of the science low-scored group.  (b)By comparing the results of the music high-scored and the music middle-scored group, there were significant differences between the experimental group and the control group. However, there was also no significant difference between them through comparing the results of the music low-scored group. 2.The result of the experimental group was more effective than the control group by using the science songs designed to be a rap.  (a)By comparing the results of the science high-scored, middle-scored and low-scored group, there were all significant differences between the experimental group and the control group.  (b)By comparing the results of the music high-scored, middle-scored and low-scored group, there were all significant differences between the experimental group and the control group. 3.The results of the effects about the students’ attitude toward learning science were significantly promoted in four dimensions. They were “My attitudes toward science class”, “My relationship with my classmates”, “My request to myself”, and “My feelings about my teacher.”




Chomsky, N.(1981). Lectures on Government and Binding: the Pisa Lectures. Dordrecht: Foris.


